The Kuwait Times, Gizmodo and Engadget have reported that the government of Kuwait has outlawed DSLR cameras.
“The Ministries of Information, Social Affairs and Finance (hello, 1984!) have collectively decided to ban the use of the chunky shooters in public places, except where it can be shown that it’s for journalistic purposes.” – Engadget.
The Kuwait Times Newspaper has rescinded this story. Go figure.
This ban reportedly affects tourists too, so if you’re headed to Kuwait for some relaxing time over the holidays, come prepared. I understand that compacts and camera phones have not been banned, so you can still get the shot…-ish.
I’ve read all I can on the topic this morning, but for the life of me I’m having trouble understanding. Why they hatin’ on the interchangable lenses? What about micro 4/3? Can anybody out there shed some light on this bizarre state of affairs for me?
Hey, that looks my camera, only it’s red, not white. Probably the reason it said DSLR, is that not too many people think of non-digital SLRs.
This report stemmed from erroneous chatter. There is no-such ban. Have a read :
im kuwaiti , me and my friends we are taking picture and nothing wrong with it , we cant use tripods in some places but nothing about the DSLR
No ban!
Kuwait News now has a retraction posted, at
Glad to see that this was untrue!
Also glad to see that the Kuwait Times is such a reputable news source…