In the past several days, I’ve received a ton of correspondence asking if I’d re-post my chasejarvisLIVE Keynote address from the PDN Photo Plus Expo in NYC last week. You asked for it, you got it.
At about the 25-or-so minute mark, I wrap up my monologue and invite a handful of guests on stage, all of whom I consider my friends who are living my message. I think you’ll be quite engaged. By my count it’s the first time all these folks have been together under one roof.
_Zack Arias (
_Vincent Laforet (
_Jasmine Star (
_Rob Haggart (
_Joey Lawrence (
An impressive cast by any measure. Please give it a watch and share your thoughts. The topic is The New Creativity and the Social Art of Photography. In short, it’s about the new, crazy world of creating and sharing and how it has redefined an entire era.
[Update: there’s about 30 seconds of blackness where you still get perfect audio, but no visual. Hopefully you won’t mind – it’s just 30 seconds where you’re freed from looking at my dumb mug…]
This was such a wonderful talk, so glad that It was shared online, as I was dreading that I might miss due to not being at Photo Expo this year. Such intriguing and insightful points, not just about photography, so much of this applies to all creative disciplines and endeavors, and about the the world itself has changed these past few years. So glad that there are people out there like Chase and the rest of the panel who are inspiring people to just get out there and create something.
Thank you Chase and thanks to all of you in the panel. As a lost 20 year old photographer? doing a degree in accounting I need to hear this stuff, it gives me drive, inspiration, grounding and it acknowledges what I am doing outside of university as not a waste.
Again, thank you, please speak and post more.
you are so full of yourself!
This advice will be well used today. I especially liked what LaForet had to say. Cheers -M
Nice vid…thanks for posting.
I hate to diverge but is it me or is Jasmine totally “into Chase”?
Watch out Kate! 🙂