Hi friends. Lots of requests to re-post this episode of chasejarvisLIVE with Jasmine Star to my YouTube channel. So here ’tis. Those of you in the USA on the 3-day weekend celebrating Labor Day should find some time to take a peek.
Reminder that her EPIC 5 day Wedding Photography course is downloadable for a bargain $149 over here at creativeLIVE.com.
Also, chasejarvisLIVE featuring National Geographic photographer, culture and food maven, Penny DeLosSantos as well as Foodista.com founder Barnaby Dorfman will re-post tomorrow…
[Lastly, these vids have been live for a couple days already…if you want to be first to get this content when it goes live, best to subscribe to my YouTube channel here.]
Super informative. Really enjoyed 100% of the interview where Jasmine doesn’t laugh. I don’t mean to be disparaging, but JFC… wow, ear-piercing, esp w/ headphones at work. But I’m sure your staff and JS know this as well. I can’t be the first to comment on the LOL sonic booms.
Thanks for this interview, I enjoyed it and learned from it, BUT…. yes, the saturated audio makes the video hard to watch, you should really do something about it.
I listened to the whole thing.
She is the perfect storm of characteristics for a wedding photography.
Those boots are rad 😀 Thanks again for CreativeLive and for bringing Jasmine Star 🙂
I am very inspired…Thanks for sharing this …