IKEA may seem like nothing more than a necessary evil for those who don’t wanna drop a full paycheck on a single piece of furniture (and hey, their pre-fab systems and some in-store displays are actually quite innovative…), but this here is some next level shiz: an eco-friendly, cardboard-bodied digital camera.
Shoots/stores up to 40 images, uses AA batteries (which, if you can find them hiding in the remote control, are a lot more convenient than clunky camera batteries which require special chargers), and it even features a super-handy swing-out USB plug for downloading your pure photo gold.
Not available in stores yet, but anticipated soon. And… not saying this will replace your iphone/droid, but I guarantee it’ll be a conversation-starter at parties or on location for your next commercial gig…
via engadget.
Looks kinda good as guest table camera for
I bet something similar to this design will be the new “disposable” camera – you know, the kind they give away at weddings, parties and promotionals…most folks don’t want to pay for film processing for the old-fashioned disposable cameras – but anyone can jack this cardboard throwaway into their USB port.
It might produce some interesting images! Looks like these cameras won’t be for sale, but rather a promotional item given with the purchase of a new product line. Also read the image quality is pretty low.
I’m wondering what the price on these will be like. Seems like a good idea if the price is good and the image is somewhat acceptable.
These would be great to give to kids when you don’t want to hand over your higher end camera. I’m looking forward to checking them out.