Even at our most creative moments, we could go further if it were not for that little voice inside our head.
And that little voice puts up roadblocks. Sometimes those roadblocks are real, but more often those roadblocks are completely constructed from nothing but irrational fear or the most basic of actions. Perhaps knowing that other people share many of the same silly roadblocks–and even knowing what some of them are–will help us all move through them.
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So today’s post is simple. Let’s put it out there. Just complete the sentence “I’d be more creative if…”
I’ll start us off. I’d be more creative if I more regularly created the quietness in my life that creativity requires.
Now it’s your turn.
[Why Do We Fail poster by Allen Ruppersberg]
I’d be more creative if I stopped second guessing myself. It’s art – if it feels right to me, it’s right. Period.
(now if I only believed that wholeheartedly)
Sooooo agree with this, I’m a big sufferer of that
If I got off my ass and used the resources at my desposel. I have said so many times that you can make a good photo with a cardboard box and some film. I need to take my own advice.
If I weren’t afraid of success and the accompanying feeling of lack of worthiness when I’ve successfully and painlessly sold my work.
I would be more creative if I stopped making excuses, pinning blame, and just got of my ass and did SOMETHING; stopped being held back by the thought of doing EVERYTHING.
And I will do that. Today. If nothing else, I’ll have pictures to share. 🙂 Thanks for the kick in the ass, all.
Your construction struck a chord, though for me I would describe it as “I’d be more creative if I more regularly created the kind of energy in my life that creativity requires.”
Still discovering how to do it but some of it is: clear out must-dos that take up mental space when unfinished; spend time with creative people; focus on the thing in front of me, not the thing that “might be better” somewhere else.
Provocative and interesting question.
…if I stopped trying to be so damned creative and just created!
…if I listened to that little voice in my head that said “shoot it, that’s right, now shoot it again from a totally different angle and a different point of view”. Instead of the other voice that butts in and says “awwwww, ‘probably won’t work out man, hold off for something better” 🙁