If you missed the Jeremy Cowart episode of chasejarvisLIVE last week–bummer cause it was a really good one. LOTs of good info about the struggles involved in turning pro. Gear talk, starting your business, agents, stories of the lean times, amazing gigs and more. And here’s some good news: the above YouTube vid is a rewatch of that broadcast.
Jeremy is a great photographer and a uber-talented, hardworking and humble guy. And he’s very articulate. Watching/listening him share his experiences, wisdom, vision, etc is a great way to spend your time. Enjoy
Wow. This was great to watch. It was awesome hearing two passionate photographers talk about the art of taking pictures and life. I love the fact that money or fame is not the motive, but instead to see others reach their full potential. Thank you for being generous. Great advice on all subjects.
Oh well – it got better into the video. I’ve met both of these guys and it’s great to see them together and bouncing off each other. I think Chase can tell that there’s something different about Jeremy and his heart for giving.
Just tuning in and love that this got posted, but yeah – what’s up with the horrible static? It’s really painful…
Thanks Chase! I actually went to your YouTube channel on Wed night hoping the interview with Jeremy would be there. I purchased his CreativeLive weekend which I am still going through and now look forward to enjoying your interview tonight with a cold beer. Greatly appreciated.
Thanks to you both CJ and JC…see what I did there ? 🙂
Amazing as always guys, inspiring words for the new generation. Love it.
Keep on truckin’