If you were tuned in here during the 8 weeks before the New Year, then you knew that I was giving away roundtrip airfare and accommodations to come visit us here at the Seattle studio from anywhere in the world. Here’s the original post. All you needed to do? Post pictures of you with my latest book The Best Camera Is The One That’s With You to my Facebook Fan page and/or my TBCITOTWY Amazon Page
The winner? Michal Garcia. And he’s really hurting my pocketbook, because we’re bringing him all the way from Hong Kong. But it’ll be worth it. Please give a shout out below.
Hundreds of entries came in from all over the world. I was blown away, humbled, excited, sometimes even a little freaked out. People effing basejumped while reading my book! People also jumped out of airplanes, played fetch with their dog, ATE it, fed it to insects, slept with it, played music with it, read it while buildings exploded in the background, and traveled to the farthest corners of the earth. People took it rock-climbing, camping, road-tripping, and more. They even made mock Geico ads with it. You really should take a moment to poke around some of the thumbnails of the gallery of images that came in via Facebook. And a couple hundred more here at Amazon.
It was fun, funny, and inspiring. In the end, while lots of people entered lot of images (there were some insanely creative ones that came in) and actively participated in the conversation, it was Michal Garcia–with photos of TBCITOTWY and sleeping security guards, kids playing in the street, rooftop antics and highrises in Hong Kong that took the cake. What helped him win? He entered a ton of images, he traveled with the book, he was active in the conversation and really got into it. In short, he participated deeply and had fun with it. We’ll be sure to fill everyone in when he comes to Seattle…
If you haven’t bought a copy of the book yet, I’d be honored if you’d drop your $13 on The Best Camera Is the One That’s With You here at Amazon.. Beyond that, thanks so much to all of you who participated, and check out a few more of Michael’s entered images after the jump…
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Michal Garcia Wins Trip to Our Studio from Hong Kong
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