“Sometimes in our industry, our professionalism, we get [put into] silos…it should be all of our goals to break out of those silos. The more you work, the more people want to put you in a silo so they can define who you are by their terms. Our job is to never let anyone define who we are…”
John Jay–W+K’s Global Executive Creative Director–on creativity and breaking out of silos. There’s a lot to learn from these 2 minutes.
The above video, plus stills for a Fast Company assignment shot by Matthew Furman. Check him out here.]
Hell yeah!
Doesn’t play on mobile 🙁
What’s the URL?
Callum – if I’m not mistaken you seem to occasionally pine at not being able to watch stuff on mobile – yet this is freakin YouTube, broseph. Can you help us out by sharing mobile device doesn’t play that? thanks!
Hey Chase.
First time I’ve said it bud 🙂
It’s a Win7 phone. It plays Youtube vids, but not always.
Haven’t yet figured why it doesn’t play them all the time, but I suspect it’s when they’re embedded into a webpage in a certain way.
If I have a link then I can watch it directly from the YT pages
Hope that helps
Wee update.
I recently updated my phone OS to 7.1 (mango) and the embedded videos now play 🙂
This is natural coming from a person of Asian origin. I would like to see more Western artist also think this way.
Very important words Chase, very important. Great post.
The truth it’s hard to find people you think about soul in industry…..but that’s a good thing for the professionals.
it’s who think about soul