“Sometimes in our industry, our professionalism, we get [put into] silos…it should be all of our goals to break out of those silos. The more you work, the more people want to put you in a silo so they can define who you are by their terms. Our job is to never let anyone define who we are…”
John Jay–W+K’s Global Executive Creative Director–on creativity and breaking out of silos. There’s a lot to learn from these 2 minutes.
The above video, plus stills for a Fast Company assignment shot by Matthew Furman. Check him out here.]
Great advice to get out into a culture that is not yours – to hang out with people you normally wouldn’t. It feels so uncomfortable that we are forced to adapt. What happens as a result is often inspiring.
Getting out of your comfort zone is kind of a truism but I really liked the idea of getting out of your cultural comfort zone. That makes a whole lot of sense.
Kunst http://www.juliengybels.be ieder ziet er zijn dimensie in
So true…I’m sharing this link