---- Update: just a reminder that Guy Kawasaki is on chasejarvisLIVE tomorrow, Wednesday March 21. Details are here.... ------- The jury is out. For some it's the best thing ever. For others it's just another social media tool that clutters the horizon, and for others still it hasn't lived up to the hype that Google may have hoped. But NYTimes best-selling author Guy Kawasaki tells us why we're wrong in his new ebook What the... read more ›
314 reads
--------- UPDATE!! If you're reading this now - the LIVE broadcast is TODAY. Read the post below, then be sure to tune into http://www.chasejarvis.com/live and enjoy the show. Giving away some serious prizes, below. See you on air in a few... ------- HUGE news here, friends. This coming Wednesday, March 21st, I am proud to host the legendary Mr. Guy Kawasaki to the next episode of chasejarvisLIVE. In addition to being a mentor to me... read more ›
660 reads
Welcome to a series of posts I'm calling Emerging Talent - where I'm spotlighting the work of photographers and filmmakers on the rise. Some are shooters that me and my spies will uncover from 500px or Flickr - others might already be shooting campaigns, but in both cases I don't care about what the "industry" says. This is simply work I like. IMHO their careers are either on the move or are about to be.... read more ›
3.8K reads
Hello, readers! Megan here, Producer at Chase Jarvis Inc. We’ve just returned from an amazing 6-day shoot in Aspen, CO. You perhaps read about it here, here, or here. It got me thinking about client/crew relationships and customer service. One of the ways you can set yourself apart as a creative professional is to really go the extra mile for both your client(s) and your crew. This applies to YOU, whether you’re a photographer or... read more ›
1.1K reads
If you've been using the excuse that you're not making powerful shiznit because you're not a full-time photographer, take a lesson from this guy. Chris Arnade is 46, (Twitter @chris_arnade) lives in New York, and is a banker by day. But it's not his ability to count money that's gotten him a lot of press lately...it's his hobby, which is... read more ›
31K reads
Whew! Days 5 & 6 of our shoot for Aspen are in the can and we've celebrated a massive success. The weather drama we were expecting passed us by, unaffected, and we kept the sun in the sky the entirely of the two days. Click through the tabs above to check a bunch more behind-the-scenes images shot mostly by the... read more ›
1K reads
Day 4 here, coming at you--almost live--from Aspen/Snowmass. We've had an epic previous 3 days...and today the weather turned milky on us. Just white everywhere, with no snow...so we took the morning off which allowed me to wrangle a bunch of behind-the-scenes photos for your viewing pleasure. 30-something photos here from our iPhones, point and shoots, micro 4/3's etc. Big thanks to Andrew, Erik, and Jerard mostly for helping me compile some of these. Click... read more ›
2.2K reads
Heading into Day 3 during our Aspen/Snowmass campaign, the weather report was looking sketchy. Lo and behold, we were completely wrong--the weather shifted to pure glory and we were able to make some amazing photos again today with the collaboration of a solid crew. Thought I'd save some time/energy from doing some typing, so here's my video journal breakdown of the day... Highlights: -surprise perfect weather -more work with Chris Davenport, world-renowned skier/mountaineer... read more ›
928 reads
Yesterday's scout was epic. After waking at 3:55am Seattle time, flying Seattle >> Denver >> Aspen we arrived and hiked our asses up to 12,395 feet of elevation. Sea level to 12 grand in a few hours. Good for the heart and mind - hard on the lungs. Our scout + the weather report (scheduled for perfect sunshine) yielded information... read more ›
615 reads
Alarm clock at 4am. Right now, 6am. Boarding an early morning flight from SEA to Aspen, CO via Denver. Does this rhetoric sound familiar? If it does, and if you're a regular around here, you'll recall a series of posts I did last year wherein I documented the play by play, day by day... read more ›
477 reads