Quick favor to ask of those in or around Sydney, Australia. I've got this Emirates Airlines campaign running right now...it's print magazine and OOH (out of home - slang for billboards, busboards, etc). I've got the digital art file (pictured), but I'd love a photo of the billboards for my records. Rumor has it they're around the city and on road approaching the international terminal at the Sydney airport. I'll send off one of my... read more ›
153 reads
An advertising agency client recently got themselves into a little pickle. They had hired me for a gig, we spent tons of time on pre-production, and before you know it, we were whisked off to location. It soon became clear to everyone on set that the scope of work outlined in our signed contract was a little different from what was really required. The budget had been fixed and there were the same number of... read more ›
306 reads
Last week I was reminded no less that 5 times why it's important to carry a camera with you everywhere you go. I'd never have been able to grab a snap of any of these things had I not been packin' heat (G9, iPhone, D3, whatever)...1. The Google Earth 3D, street level, photo recorder thingie was mapping the area and I caught it. Very cool, despite the fact that fellow drivers were freaking out, as... read more ›
1.1K reads
What's bigger and better than a fad? How bout a Superfad.Superfad is a brand-driven design and live action production company based in Seattle, LA, NYC, and London. I recently had the opportunity to work with these guys, and it was dreamy. [Disclosure: we've become friends!] Unlike so many motion houses with a design bent, they are totally committed to creativity. Anyway, on the heels of my post from a while ago, Photographer As Director, I've... read more ›
181 reads
Hasselblad today announced a whopping new camera, the H3D11-50. That's right, they've done it again. 50 megapixels of goodness this time around, creating a 300MB file with each click of the shutter. Whoa! Further details after the jump, including a generous trade in option on your H3DII-39. Click the 'continue reading' link below ...--They're again boasting the world's largest sensor, a Kodak product that comes in at a doozie of a 36x48mm hunk of love.... read more ›
563 reads
I've made so many mistakes in my career. Lacking backup gear, forcing pictures, forgetting to reformat the card, crushing hard drives, etc etc. This list is long.But in the past several years I made one mistake far too many times, and it was this: not leaving enough time, reminding the client to leave enough budget, or directing the proper energy toward the post production of my pictures. I learned my lesson finally in the last... read more ›
197 reads
Some of you may remember Deke McClelland, the Photoshop guru who put out video How To Use Scanned Money in Photoshop a couple years ago. Well his nerdness is back, and he's rapping about Photoshop in this 5-minute video. There's actually a ton of great stuff in there. In one viewing I nabbed a couple new tricks and rekindled a handful of oldies I had forgotten. Second viewing, that doubled. Watch it again. You know... read more ›
202 reads
Driving and reading go together like peaches and motor oil. This is just one picture from Andrew Bush's new book, Drive. According to Andrew, it's a book of "Photographs made while traveling 50 to 70 mph in Los Angeles and other parts of the Southwestern United States." My 5 favorite pictures and a link to buy the book after the jump. - click the 'continue reading' link below ...--My favs: This woman is clearly upset.These... read more ›
1.6K reads
For a long time, I've been a playful advocate of POV (Point-Of-View) photography. Years and years ago, I did this with my custom POV rig:Hell, we all did it.Then, it got more complicated. I was having fun and I sync'd my camera with a camera strapped to the athlete, so you'd get one moment from two perspectives. I have a ton of these, but generally the result is pretty interesting and looks this:Then, after doing... read more ›
1.1K reads
If you're a high-falutin' artist or a photo-geek and you're up for some mischief, consider making this flash canon called "The Fulgerator" to mess with the photos of others... Click continue reading for a video of the sophisticated prank in action and a link to the original post.-- Apparently, it's adapted from a flash and an old SLR, it senses the flash of someone's camera, and then quickly illuminates itself, projecting images or text onto... read more ›
146 reads