Danielle LaPorte is an experienced spiritual teacher to say the least. She's the founder of Heart Centered Leadership Program - which features a leadership curriculum used by hundreds of facilitators and HR directors around the world - and is widely known for her popular book, the Desire Map. Not to mention, Danielle is one of few experts in her industry to be a member of Oprah's lauded SuperSoul 100, a group who, in Oprah... read more ›
1K reads
We often start out thinking if we can just do the "right" work, we'll breakthrough. When in fact, it's not the what work we should focus on, but how much. We will do everything we can to convince ourselves that something other than volume is more important. Listen to the Podcast Smells like Procrastination We need a new lens to get the right shot. We need to switch to a different writing app with better... read more ›
942 reads
As always, my conversations with Ryan inspire all kinds of deeper thoughts to ponder. And it’s often in my reflections after we’ve talked that the concepts we spoke of really hit home in areas of my own life. Sometimes the process of a creative can be very inward and isolating; however, it is in conversation with others that we often gain new insight into our own areas of mystery. Self-Consciousness is the Enemy of... read more ›
979 reads
Most of us have been given the same general blueprint for success since birth. Go to school, get good grades, go to college, get a job, work hard and you'll be successful. And for a long time, this was an effective path to success. But in recent years, the idea of what it means to be successful has changed. With the advent of technology and the global interconnectedness of the world, success is no longer... read more ›
1.2K reads
Relationships don’t last. We’ve all heard that before and many of us likely could tell a tale or so to support the sentiment. It’s a bit of BS though. The truth is, that some relationships last a lifetime, and some relationships do more than that, they succeed for a lifetime. We’re a community full of creatives, dreamers, and doers. We know this topic is a hot one. In a world where we all want... read more ›
2.4K reads
Are you looking for a place to start? Is the number of options overwhelming? It's always best to begin by doing. School taught me that I'm not ready to learn something properly until I've actually tried it or developed a curiosity so deep that I'm willing to engage with it for hours. As a photographer, I needed to start taking photos before I read a pile of books about how lenses work or what depth of... read more ›
1K reads
Experimenting with a new format with my pal Alex Hillinger. We're planning to do a few of these so you can hear a format where there is more banter and storytelling. A little sneak behind how the sausage is made. Let us know what you think. A great idea is transformative by nature and what comes next either supports making it or breaking it. When a good or even great idea presents itself, it’s not enough... read more ›
915 reads
When you’re creating something, there are emotions that evolve with it. What you’re building grows and develops, and as it moves forward, the question that comes up is, “Why did we create this in the first place?” We’re talking with Alex Strohl about how ideas turn into businesses and everything that comes it. Alex and I have been long time friends. You might remember him on CJRAWand he helped us dissolve the mystery of how we... read more ›
1K reads
Do you know how many shots Michael Jordan missed during his career? More than 9000. Take baseball: a legendary hitter, bats a .300 average, which means he succeeds only one in three times at that. Take any famous entrepreneur and her true biography will serve mostly as an index of failures, with a few big wins mixed in. We think otherwise only because of our tendency to minimize failure and dwell on success when telling... read more ›
827 reads
There’s a precision that comes with experience and maturity that lends its language to the unexplainable. Tapping into this kind of knowledge helps us bring our understanding of our own experience full circle as we develop ourselves creatively and professionally over time. I’ve had Todd Henry on the show before where we talk about creating work that lasts. He’s the creator for creators and I’m talking with him again on how we can develop... read more ›
978 reads