At the starting point of our creative journey, we make choices that will either drive us toward what we want or drive us away from it. At the time, we might not even realize what’s driving us. We think outside forces play a bigger role than internal determination and intuition, which in the end is the reason we arrive anywhere. Norton Zanini is a Florida-based photographer and creative entrepreneur who left his home in... read more ›
865 reads
Standing Out Isn't Easy It takes a lot of courage to embrace our own creativity. It's not easy. When we declare our pursuits to those closest to us, they're not carrying the same passion for it that we are. They're not bad people that want to see us miserable. They don't understand, our passion drives us. It's the people who love us the most that will react. It's very common for loved ones to want... read more ›
1.1K reads
I recently sat down with Joey Cofone, Co-Founder, and CEO of Baronfig. Joey is an award-winning graphic designer based in New York. Joey's work appeals to curious minds. He’s released his new book The Laws of Creativity where he helps us uncover the thinking and science behind the creative process and gets us thinking in a whole new way. How To Turn Skill Into Mastery How does skill turn to mastery? When we understand... read more ›
989 reads
The stubborn myth of the “starving artist,” the threadbare but exuberant poet who has to choose between ink and food, isn’t just false, it’s toxic. Notions like this drain your energy and either get you chasing dollars for all the wrong reasons or encourage others to take advantage of you by undervaluing your work. Textbooks and Hollywood biopics usually gloss over the everyday financial dealings of great artists. As a kid, you never hear about... read more ›
1.5K reads
In a nutshell, Dr. Adam Gazzaley is a genius. He’s got a very big brain. He explains what he’s all about a lot more eloquently. You’ll hear it when you listen, but that’s my condensed introduction. He’s doing important work and it’s so great to talk to Adam again. It’s been a while and we’ve got a lot of ground to cover in regards to the groundbreaking advancements in his field. Adam Gazzaley MD,... read more ›
1.6K reads
Beginnings are tenuous times. Getting anything substantial off the ground means making countless tiny decisions first, any one of which might assume vast importance—if you’re successful down the road. Paralyzed by Fear & Decisions The danger is twofold. On the one hand, you can become paralyzed by all the decisions you need to make. They can steal the life from your project—whatever the medium and at whatever the scale—before you’ve even begun. “What if I... read more ›
1K reads
Danielle LaPorte is an experienced spiritual teacher to say the least. She's the founder of Heart Centered Leadership Program - which features a leadership curriculum used by hundreds of facilitators and HR directors around the world - and is widely known for her popular book, the Desire Map. Not to mention, Danielle is one of few experts in her industry to be a member of Oprah's lauded SuperSoul 100, a group who, in Oprah... read more ›
1.1K reads
We often start out thinking if we can just do the "right" work, we'll breakthrough. When in fact, it's not the what work we should focus on, but how much. We will do everything we can to convince ourselves that something other than volume is more important. Listen to the Podcast Smells like Procrastination We need a new lens to get the right shot. We need to switch to a different writing app with better... read more ›
969 reads
As always, my conversations with Ryan inspire all kinds of deeper thoughts to ponder. And it’s often in my reflections after we’ve talked that the concepts we spoke of really hit home in areas of my own life. Sometimes the process of a creative can be very inward and isolating; however, it is in conversation with others that we often gain new insight into our own areas of mystery. Self-Consciousness is the Enemy of... read more ›
1K reads
Most of us have been given the same general blueprint for success since birth. Go to school, get good grades, go to college, get a job, work hard and you'll be successful. And for a long time, this was an effective path to success. But in recent years, the idea of what it means to be successful has changed. With the advent of technology and the global interconnectedness of the world, success is no longer... read more ›
1.3K reads