Max Lugavere is a health and science journalist focused on nutrition, fitness, and wellness. Max’s journey to understanding the power food has on brain function began when was helping his mother, who developed Lewy body dementia. He noticed the doctors doing nothing except trying to manage the symptoms- rather than actually curing the disease. He started learning and applying what we are now learning about the science of food and cooking and kicked off a... read more ›
2.7K reads
In this week’s episode, I take two questions that any creator or business owner should consider. First, Anisha wants to know how to handle the experience of having someone you’ve mentored “move on” from needing you as a mentor. A huge part of maturing in our personal and professional lives lies in learning how to let go of the ego. If the person you have been mentoring no longer needs your help, that is actually... read more ›
1.2K reads
Morgan Harper Nichols is a poet, artist, and author with a goal to form meaningful connections through her work, and help others find peace in their own lives. Her most recent book, “Peace is a Practice: An Invitation to Breathe Deep and Find a New Rhythm for Life,” is a must read that invites people to slow down and return to the present moment, using breath as their vehicle. Morgan opens up about her financial... read more ›
1.3K reads
If you told me in my twenties that being rigorous about my schedule would be a major differentiator in the success of my creative work, I would have said, you’re crazy. You can’t put creativity in a box like that, I thought. In my mind, schedules only confined the creative process. Today, my thoughts on this have completely 180’d, and I firmly believe that setting a schedule can be your biggest ally as a creator.... read more ›
1.4K reads
Career transitions are often bumpy. New processes, different people, and all the energy that goes into building the skills, network and momentum- no wonder why the comfort of a stable career is prevents many people from pursuing their calling. Change isn't easy. Now imagine you're a working attorney with a promising future and more than a decade of education, testing, and training to get to where you are. That's the scenario my guest on the... read more ›
1.4K reads
Throughout the course of my career, I've seen how critical mentorship (both 1 on 1 and at scale) is in helping others navigate unfamiliar waters. Sure, experiential learning tends to give the best results, but having benefitted immensely from advice I've received from role models and mentors over the years, I'm always keen to respond to thoughtful and honest questions from you all. If you're creatively stuck, making a difficult business decision or just want... read more ›
1.1K reads
The natural world is based on diversity. The earth as a system depends on the diversity of nature to perform the countless roles required to create and sustain life. We tend to see ourselves as separate from nature, and our education system reflects that. The American education system was created to suit the needs of the industrial revolution. The industrial revolution required certain types of people. In an effort to cater to the masses, the... read more ›
1.3K reads
Do you have a big dream, but you're having trouble making progress? There is one simple thing you can do to start moving, and re-train your brain to operate autonomously, prioritize joy. Once you make this contract with yourself to pursue joy on a regular basis, you start to create inertia. So how do you get started? Maybe you don't know what action to take? I believe that a hugely under valued element of the... read more ›
1.1K reads
Building Charisma with Non-Verbal Cues Is charisma a born trait? Or can it be learned? On today’s episode, Vanessa Van Edwards—a renowned expert on social skills and interpersonal intelligence is in the building with a toolbox of techniques and non-verbal cues that will supercharge your communication. "I used to think you're either born with charisma, or you're not. Then I stumbled upon research that showed highly charismatic people have a very specific blend of two... read more ›
3.8K reads
Here we are at the end of February - how are those New Years Resolutions going? 😁 There is so much hype built into our society around resolutions. We often associate them with huge goals, and things we want to accomplish, rather than behaviors we want to embody. If 64% of all people fail their resolution within one month of starting, what is the common factor that makes them so hard to stick to? What you... read more ›
1.5K reads