Scott Dadich is a designer, filmmaker and entrepreneur. He’s currently the co-CEO of Godfrey Dadich Partners, a design, content and strategy firm. Prior to that he worked at Conde Nast as the editor of Wired and leading the build out of Conde Nast's digital strategy including the tablet editions of their magazines (if you remember when those came out, they were incredible products that were among the first publications that really felt tablet-native). He’s also the creator of the... read more ›
2.2K reads
The What, Why, and HOW of personal style.
I've flown MILLIONS of air miles (literally), but you don't have to take it from me. In fact, ask anyone who has a lot of miles under their belt about travel tips, and you'll start learning that are a TON of little secrets that can significantly improve your experience getting from point A to point B on planes, trains, and automobiles. Some of you on Snapchat have asked my tips for travel and I thought... read more ›
33.3K reads
The GoPro Karma is back! I had a chance to check out an early release. Here's my two cents on it.
I’ve talked before about that 3AM voice - the one that whispers in your ear that you're not good enough or that maybe you'll fail and so therefore it's probably better if you just quit now. That voice is what I call the gremlins. The gremlins are not your friend, and you've got to learn how to ignore them. But here's the thing - there’s another voice that often sounds very similar to the gremlin voice, except that it’s... read more ›
4.9K reads
Debbie Millman is currently the Editorial and Creative Director of Print Magazine, but she has an insane track record going back decades: she’s the author of 6 books including “How To Think Like A Great Graphic Designer,” a prolific design writer in outlets like NYT, Fast Company, and Design Observer, chairs the Masters In Branding program at SVA (co-founded with Steven Heller), and hosts a long running podcast called “design matters” which has done 265... read more ›
5.5K reads
I often talk about personal style, but I’m always asked: What is personal style? Why is it important? ... and the biggest question... HOW to develop it. In today's show, we dive into the details of this critical, but often overlooked topic. Enjoy! Watch the Episode Listen to the Podcast Today's episode is part of a new segment I'm calling: Micro Shows. In addition to the bad-ass guest interviews, these are short 5-10 minute segments sharing inspirational tidbits, hot news, discussion on... read more ›
4.5K reads
There's no ONE path to building a life or career. If you keep following the things that call to you, you'll always be on it.
You may know Adrian as the star of Entourage and The Devil Wears Prada, but he also has a lengthy history as a documentarian and entrepreneur who’s made a lifelong habit out of going around, over and through the various gatekeepers that stood between him and his goals. You’ll hear a lot of familiar themes come up in this conversation that are very core to me: the critical importance of building a community of peers who will motivate,... read more ›
2.1K reads
Success is each to his or her own, but let's call it like we see it: when you survey the landscape of your creative world, your industry, your career or hobby--whatever field you're in-- there are several fundamentals to achieving success, regardless of the measure. There are commonalities that are undeniable. So here's a list of thirteen such things that you should be doing right now - let's call it your hit list: 1. Get... read more ›
20.9K reads