Caterina Fake is best known for being the co-founder of Flickr, which pioneered a ton of the things that we now take for granted on the internet: social networking, tagging, and content surfacing algorithms to name just a few. But like many of us, her career path has been - to say the least - unpredictable. On the way to becoming the co-founder of Flickr, Caterina Fake explored everything from banking to graphic design to writing... read more ›
2.6K reads
Hey introverted friends -- I see your comments on how participating in the community can be tough. I get it! Believe me -- it's a skill you can master with practice. Here are three tactics to get you started...
A couple years ago, you may recall, during a month-long artist-in-residency at the Ace Hotel in NYC I took the opportunity to celebrate the snapshot -- quintessential street photography -- and I called the exhibit Dasein: Invitation to Hang. ['Dasein' is a German word used by philosophers to refer to raw human experience or the fundamental mode of "being there." I found that when applied to photography, the snapshot was the ultimate photographic expression of... read more ›
13.7K reads
Since posting the video on “the other 50%” I've gotten a number of questions from people who are ready to put in the participation but aren't sure exactly where to start-- if you're one of those people who asked, OR are creating community around your work (photos, design, business, startup whatever... here's your marching orders in this new vid.
If you’ve ever asked yourself - as almost all of us have - “how can I find and follow my calling and my passion,” then you’re going to get a lot out of this conversation. Elle has a book describing her own search for an answer to this question which is called “The Crossroads of Should And Must” which explores the tension between the expectations that parents, friends, and culture put on us (what she calls... read more ›
4.6K reads
I'm a huge fan of the concept of "strategic renewal." Chasing shiny opportunities, working in a reactive state and dealing with each new email that pops up on your phone is not only exhausting - it's a way to ensure you get nothing done - and it's simply not sustainable. "Busy" isn't success. It's a lack of priority. I've been paying attention to those who have command of their that bring sanity and purpose... read more ›
44.5K reads
For most creatives, the biggest challenge isn’t doing the work, it’s getting the work. Few of us are natural marketers or adroit at selling our vision, so many creatives live in a state of constant anxiety about where the next project (and paycheck) is going to come from. Because of that, it’s tempting to jump on any project that comes your way, especially if you’re -- as I was at the beginning of my career... read more ›
68.3K reads
Are you telling yourself some B.S. line about not having the time to do the things you dream about? Let's be honest, we've all been there. No more excuses. This video is for you.
Gretchen Rubin is the author of several blockbuster NYT bestsellers (Better Than Before, The Happiness Project and Happier At Home) which have sold millions of copies worldwide. If you notice a common theme of “happiness,” that’s because Gretchen is one of the world’s foremost “happiness experts.” I love this term because it says something very important yet rarely said, which is that happiness is largely a choice - that it’s not random but the product... read more ›
2.5K reads
My man Tim Ferriss shares the top patterns to win the day from over 200 interviews from his latest book Tools of Titans.