Among other wonderful benefit, travel is known to inspire creativity. And for those of you who want to travel but don't think you have the means... allow me to (re-)introduce you to my pal Chris Guillebeau is a globe trotting, “self employed for life” hacker. He is also the founder of the World Domination Summit (most amazing name ever for a creative conference…) and the best-selling author of The $100 Startup as well as The... read more ›
1.6K reads
UPDATE: The LIVE broadcast is TODAY October 9 – 11am SEA time (2pm NYC -19:00 London) – mark your schedules and flip your dial to My guest -- the legendary Marc Ecko -- will give you the most important tool kit that an artist can know outside one's craft ---> how to sell yourself without selling out. Let's face it... it's a complete myth that your work will just "be discovered" and that your... read more ›
788 reads
While in Belize a couple months ago, I took the opportunity to field test a new iPhone case designed for action sports photography + video. (I'm a big fan of field testing new tech/gadgets; see my out-of-the-box successes with the DJI quadcopter---> here). Without getting in the weeds here, let's be honest. We're not aiming for the Oscars with this footage, but I'm not gonna lie... I quite frequently need a little breather... read more ›
1.4K reads
Snow cats. Flying cameras and world-class athletes. Couple-o-sunrises. One of the most unique locations I've found in my career (a coal mine?!) and a superfun campaign for one of the top mountain destinations in the's behind the scenes for my most recent campaign to drop --> Aspen. This past March, you might have caught wind of my live updates while shooting the 2013-2014 campaign for my friends at Aspen/Snowmass ski resort. In... read more ›
1.2K reads
GoPro's Hero3+ dropped like a bomb today, splitting atoms and shattering computer screens with some of the most bad-ass footage yet seen. The new Hero3+ is GoPro's sexiest iteration to date, with some notable improvements over its predecessor. Lest you Hero2 or Hero3 owners think this money ill-spent, consider these upgraded features that you'll get with the Hero3+: _20% lighter + smaller (case) _30% more battery life _4x faster WiFi (built-in) _Auto Low... read more ›
461 reads
24 You read the title and thought I was talking smack. But in fact, on last week's special addition of chasejarvisLIVE (during the week-long creativeLIVE broadcast extravaganza of FREE photo education PhotoWeek) we connected LIVE with the creator of THE manifesto for creativity in the digital age Steal Like an Artist. Intrigued? Well you ought to be. Austin Kleon is a brilliant artist (Newspaper Blackout), speaker (giving the keynote this year at SXSW!), a NY... read more ›
4.7K reads
I feel honored to serve as an honorary Board Member at Seattle's Photo Center Northwest, a nationally renowned nonprofit community arts center that offers classes, workshops, gallery spaces and exhibitions - with a focus on community access to photography. A long time friend and photography powerhouse, Michelle Dunn Marsh, was recently elected Executive Director and has helped bring together... read more ›
746 reads
I'm not much known for just dipping my toe in the water. And this is no exception. "It's gotta be real money and real access" I said. "How about $50,000 cash, plus a trip to NYC to receive your mentorship and spend some quality time with you." "Um. DEAL." An that's how it went down on the phone with my friends at Shopify, the powerful e-commerce website solution that allows you to sell... read more ›
925 reads
UPDATE: The LIVE broadcast is TODAY September 18th - 11am SEA time (2pm NYC -19:00 London) - mark your schedules and flip your dial to You read the title and thought I was talking smack. But in fact, I plan to connect you LIVE with the creator of THE manifesto for creativity in the digital age Steal Like an Artist. Intrigued? Well you ought to be. Austin Kleon is a brilliant artist (Newspaper Blackout),... read more ›
664 reads
This is it, folks. Er at least I think it is...the biggest single photography education event in history. Last February creativeLIVE drew 150,000 people together from 178 countries around Photoshop...and today's kickoff aims to be much larger. PhotoWeek is 6 days of FREE, live instruction from over 50 of the photo industry's leading instructors. creativeLIVE Photo Week has pulled together some of the biggest names in commercial, outdoor and wedding photography and devoted THREE separate... read more ›
1.1K reads