W.M. Hunt is a champion of photography – A collector, curator and consultant who lives and works in New York. He is the author of “The Unseen Eye: Photographs from the Unconscious,” published in 2011 by Aperture. He is on the Board of Directors of the Eugene Smith Memorial Fund and The Center for Photography at Woodstock, New York, where he was the recipient of their Vision Award... read more ›
24.2K reads
I was first introduced to Niki Feijen's work via Amy Rollo who helps me with the Best Photo Locations pieces on my blog. I saw his stuff and, naturally, poked around to learn more about him. Ironically, one of my favorite parts of Niki's backstory is that he's not a professional photographer. He has a day job, and photographs his passion - urban exploring. And then something occurred to me: while it may be unconventional... read more ›
2.1K reads
Great week. Quick recap... // Thanks to the family who's be selected for this for a $20k paycheck. I'll see you in NYC this weekend. // Thanks to the creative community whose doing what they can to master their domain. What a great show. Thanks to you + Mr. Robert Greene (legendary.) You know anyone who's website addy is powerseductionandwar.com is a badass. // 7,000,000,000,000 pixels in this image of San Francisco. (i think that's... read more ›
468 reads
I've always been a fan of photographic works by Andreas Gursky and others that are huge in scale and still maintain amazing detail. While Gursky is a living legend and none of us are approaching his sphere any time soon, there are a variety of more accessible approaches to creating massive images that maintain incredible details available to most of us As such I want to take a second to introduce Ben Pitt. Ben is... read more ›
45.8K reads
I'm not a photojournalist by trade, but I am a member of the photography community and as such I'm always on the lookout to bring awareness to basic violations of our First Amendment rights. A few weeks back the National Photograpaher's Press Association joined a lawsuit against the NYPD. Sean D. Elliot, President of NPPA, stated that NPPA joined the lawsuit so that “it can effectively address the... read more ›
536 reads
UPDATE: The LIVE broadcast is TODAY. Check out the post below and be sure to tune into http://www.chasejarvis.com/live — 11am SEA time (2pm NYC -19:00 London) — and enjoy the show. See you on air in a few… You've heard that little voice in the back of your head that screams, "I have something to say" Guess what. It's the same voice that Einstein, DaVinci, Napoleon and Goethe heard. It's important. It's what... read more ›
1K reads
Dance is a universal form of expression. The spontaneous or choreographed movement of a human body tells a story, reflects social commentary, can be a spiritual exercise...or just damn fun. (impromptu dance parties are encouraged in my family...) We are born with this understanding of movement. Babies dance when they hear music. Dance even transcends humanity - even animals dance. Suffice to say I've had a long love-affair with capturing human movement in still photography,... read more ›
5.8K reads
Across the pond from me in Germany there is some stunning work getting kicked out of a little boutique firm called The Marmalade that you should know about. I'm drawn to more than just the final result...I love HOW they're acheiving it too... Behind the scenes thinking and such below. Have a great Monday.
800 reads
Hi friends! Quick favor to ask here – would LOVE your help if you’re interested or know a family who meets the requirements below. I've turned to you guys before for stuff like this and it's been fun and good for us all. As such, this could be a really fun experience and provide some really solid money for the holidays... In short, we're looking for a large 20 - 30 person, multi-generational family for... read more ›
381 reads
"Black Friday - When people trample others for cheap products mere hours after being thankful for what they already have." So goes the popular meme making the rounds on the Web this time of the year. Black Friday is the proverbial train wreck. I'm mostly inclined against it, since holiday season isn't about consumerism, but I don't pretend to be outside it. I will walk the... read more ›
1.1K reads