People that have “done it” will be able to do it again. Whether it’s shooting a successful commercial assignment, hanging in a museum, making a music video, or whatever. It may not be a de-facto truth, but that’s what’s believed on the open market. It’s SAFER for the person hiring a creative if they can point to something that you’ve already done. One reason I get a lot of work is that I’ve done a lot of projects. They’re banking on my portfolio–work I’ve actually completed, work that I can point at, not a “resume,” or work that can be surmised.
I’m not saying it’s right or fair. It’s just the way it is.
But what if we’re not on the up-side of experience? For someone trying to get their first chance at anything where the keys to the kingdom are closely held by someone else, this can be a huge paradox.
If what you think you need is a new platform to show you can do something, you’re barking up the wrong tree. “Just gimme a shot and I’ll deliver” won’t cut it, no matter how loud you say it or how much you hope for it. The people making the decisions want proof. After all, if you fall flat, it usually means their ass is cooked.
So instead of lamenting “woe is me”, try this: Don’t create a resume, create a portfolio. Create actual WORK that looks like what you want to get “discovered” for. And make that work very strong.
Stop waiting for someone to take a chance on you. Do the work. And then show it to whomever’s got the keys to the kingdom. Once you’ve “done it”–and done it well–the phone will ring.
[inspired by a recent post featuring Randy Nelson from Pixar]
absolutely what i experienced. when i started to use my free time for free work, checked in some musicians of which i knew they couldn´t afford it anyway and just did some shots, went out for own projects (of which some were never shown anyswhere cause i simply messed it up) … all of a sudden the phone began to ring. and it still is that way – with every good shooting – no matter if it was free portfolio work or commercial work – the next customer appears (ok, with almost every ;))
thanks for the blog post as a reminder, and as a good hint for everybody entering the business!
Perfectly said.
Well said. You have to do to prove you can continue doing. It’s a show game, not a tell one.
Three years after struggling on my own + barely doing 6 editorial shoots, have finally realised that this is a BUSINESS + needs to be run like one. Done with the Portrait of Young Man as a struggler!!! I’ve become more of a wilted photographer than a budding one 😉
Thank you for your blogs. You truly are an inspiration for these depths of loneliness + depression + being absolutely broke. every time i get to the edge + feel like I can’t do it…thank you. for being there with your amazing blogs + videos.
Finally started doing test shoots + collaborating with various talent a few months back…hopefully it’ll click 😉
warmth, Harkiran
Great advice, and very well put. Plus, building up a portfolio forces you not to cut corners like you might do in mock-ups you don’t plan to publish online. With a functional portfolio, where people can click around and interact with the images/page, you have to get it spot-on. As they say, practise makes perfect.