A couple times each year I tear myself away from making stuff and blowing it and getting run over by cars for long enough to do a couple keynote talks. One of those times is this Friday in Denver. Open to the general public. Focus is on creativity. Thanks to the Art Directors Club of Denver for hosting.What: Chase Jarvis Keynote AddressDate: Friday, June 12Time: 6pm gather, 7pm startLocation: Denver Newspaper AuditoriumDetails: www.ADCD.comTickets available here.... read more ›
137 reads
Just sitting here asking myself this question, which makes me want to ask you the same one. When was the last time you shot something for the first time?Get out there and shoot something new. Break your mold. Report back. --
386 reads
Just stumbled on this: a really cool project pulled together by Arthouse co-op in Atlanta... You send them $18 and they send you a disposable camera with 24 shots to document your life this summer. You + 999 others from around the world get your snapshots in a gallery show on September 25th, helping to build a picture of life in 2009. It's Friday and you've got a wadded up 20 dollar bill in your... read more ›
231 reads
I'm giving a chat about creativity + social media at the Art Directors Club of Denver annual awards show. This 25-second teaser video highlights the consequences of social media.This talk is open to the public, please tell your friends. Hope to see you there.[Ok. So I'm having a little fun with this. In case you missed the earlier teaser video, check it out. In reality this one hurt a little more than the last... read more ›
199 reads
I'm taking the liberty of suggesting that you do one or more of the following today:1. Shoot personal work. Call in some favors, get creative with no budget, and shoot something for yourself.2. Set free that idea you've been holding onto. Write a blog post about it. Ask your friends what they think. Tell the world.3. Learn about video. Don't have a camera? Buy drip coffee for a month instead of lattes, and buy a... read more ›
1K reads
I'm giving a chat about creativity on behalf of the Art Directors Club of Denver's annual awards show. This 45-second teaser video highlights the consequences of creativity.This talk is open to the public, please tell your friends. Hope to see you there.Who: You + ASMP + the Art Directors Club of DenverWhat: Chase Jarvis keynote addressWhen: Friday, June 12, 6pmWhere: Denver, CO (Denver News Auditorium)Details: www.adcd.com (more info coming soon)--[If you get this via... read more ›
365 reads
The title of this post is ripped directly from the title of a short must-read book, written by Saatchi & Saatchi Creative Director legend, Paul Arden.Here's three pieces of advice from this book:1. Do not seek praise, seek criticism. "It is quite easy to get approval if we ask enough people, or those who are likely to to say what we want to hear. The likelihood is that they will say nice things rather than... read more ›
1K reads
“Mulling it over, I couldn’t articulate it fully but definitely, I knew I had become lazy, really lazy. A spectacular sloth by the standards of shooting film. Film is hard. Film is a stone cold unforgiving killing bastard. Film is once in a lifetime, no excuses. F8 and really, really be there: ready, steady, in focus, correct exposure, and pressing the shutter in synch with life.”Doug Menuez said that, just this morning. And if you... read more ›
301 reads
POV photography has come a long way. I've long had a serious interest in it, but this video by José Luis Ortiz (and behind the scenes photographed here by Erwan Grey) brings a whole new meaning to helmet cam. Couldn't pass on sharing this...It used to be a pie in the sky idea to get a "birds-eye" view. Then we made cameras smaller, and we attached them to remote control helicopters. Now we're just... read more ›
607 reads
Hopefully you recall the brilliant Subservient Chicken site from way back. You type in a command and the chicken executes it. Funny shiznit, right? But how bored do you get how fast?Me? I used to be a sucker. Back in the day, I'd linger at that site for a 3 or 4 minutes. Today? I'd get bored in five seconds.Unless...Unless after every command I issued the chicken, he did what I asked and then added... read more ›
1.4K reads