Driving and reading go together like peaches and motor oil. This is just one picture from Andrew Bush's new book, Drive. According to Andrew, it's a book of "Photographs made while traveling 50 to 70 mph in Los Angeles and other parts of the Southwestern United States." My 5 favorite pictures and a link to buy the book after the jump. - click the 'continue reading' link below ...--My favs: This woman is clearly upset.These... read more ›
1.6K reads
For a long time, I've been a playful advocate of POV (Point-Of-View) photography. Years and years ago, I did this with my custom POV rig:Hell, we all did it.Then, it got more complicated. I was having fun and I sync'd my camera with a camera strapped to the athlete, so you'd get one moment from two perspectives. I have a ton of these, but generally the result is pretty interesting and looks this:Then, after doing... read more ›
1.1K reads
If you're a high-falutin' artist or a photo-geek and you're up for some mischief, consider making this flash canon called "The Fulgerator" to mess with the photos of others... Click continue reading for a video of the sophisticated prank in action and a link to the original post.-- Apparently, it's adapted from a flash and an old SLR, it senses the flash of someone's camera, and then quickly illuminates itself, projecting images or text onto... read more ›
146 reads
It's my experience that simple is powerful. Whether considering art, design, or whatever, simplicity is KING. This 57 second video is a fun-but-eloquent example of what I mean: Sure the artistic concept can be high and mighty, but by all means, when considering your next picture, let the visual be simple. - click the 'continue reading' link below for comments...[Thanks to the good peeps at Signal vs. Noise the tip on this great vid!]
1.2K reads
I recently received the email below: "Your pictures are stunning. Mine are not. Not trying to oversimplify this, but how on earth do you do what you do with a camera? I desperately want to move my creativity forward, but it won't seem to budge." OK, first thing's first: Over time I've challenged myself, struggled, and worked hard and failed, and sucked a-plenty. You already know this. As artists, we all do. Sometimes the inspiration... read more ›
1.8K reads
So I've been mostly off caffeine for about 2 years now. Surely I dig into that go-fast java juice every once in a while when I "need" a kick in the arse, but mostly I'm off it.Until today that is... Yowza. You'll have to join me in starting off our week with some inspirational speedlinks. Portfolio reviews, iPhone tips, graffiti art, anti-graffit art, staying home with your kids, and, of course, terrorists. It's ala carte.... read more ›
435 reads
Why does so much of our work look so much alike, even when we strive for it to look so different?Given yesterday's discussion I had to investigate. In less than 5 minutes last night, for no apparent reason, I was able to find about 20 of my images that look, feel, appear, strangely similar to nearly 20 images in the 2008 PDN Photo Annual. Thus, even in the face of working on new, experimental stuff,... read more ›
401 reads
Photographers: If you want/need to learn how to light, my good buddy David Hobby, aka Strobist, guru of all things off camera and inexpensive, has delivered the goods. Get 20 years experience, all the tricks and insights, minus all the drama in one box set of--count 'em...8 (eight!)-- DVDs for just $139. Seriously! He's damn near giving the things away. Between you and me, I just got off the phone with him and they're running... read more ›
257 reads
We've all had it happen, professionals, amateurs, beginning photogs alike. You think you have a great idea...gonna go shoot this cool new concept...then whammo. You see it done by somebody else. You can have more respect for it done well and less for it done poorly, but it's the idea that counts. And "they" beat you to it. Know what I say about that stuff? Get used to it.FWIW, (and if it makes anybody out... read more ›
249 reads
Photo Copyright Chris Jordan.Given that last week in the USA was "National Bike to Work Week", and given that I basically did the opposite of biking to work by flying massive jets all over the world, I feel more than compelled to steer our attention to the environment for a moment. Enter: Chris Jordan. I don't know this man, but I need to meet him in the next 5 minutes. Chris Jordan makes great art.... read more ›
2.3K reads