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Broncolor Scoro A4S 3200w/s Power Pack
The Broncolor Scoro A4s Power Pack is the finest strobe pack we’ve ever used. It provides asymmetrical to 3 heads, extremely short flash durations and fast recycle times, a full digital interface, color temperature control, the list goes on. This is one mean pack.

Head to Adorama for the full specs.

Broncolor Senso 2 Head Kit
A light duty kit, for small spaces or used to help out it’s bigger brothers our Scoros

Head to Adorama for the full specs.

Broncolor Mobil A2L
Our battery operated kit. Much like it’s power hungry cousins, but this little guy has it’s own power source.

Head to Adorama for the full specs.

Broncolor Verso A2
Designed as a studio power pack, the Broncolor Verso 2 RFS 1200 watt/second multi voltage power pack accepts a docking rechargeable battery that enables us to work where AC power is unavailable. It has 3 flash head outlets, and it accepts any Broncolor flash head. Power distribution is asymmetrical, which increases its versatility.

Head to Adorama for the full specs.

Broncolor Pulso G4
The Broncolor Pulso G4 Head is our favorite strobe head for use with our Broncolor Scoro Pack and the whole line of Broncolor light modifiers. It features light angle focusing, 3200 w/s of consistent power, standard Broncolor Bayonet reflector mount and umbrella holder, and built in cooling fan.

Head to Adorama for the full specs.

Broncolor Pulso G2
The Broncolor Pulso G2 Head is our favorite strobe head for use with our Broncolor Senso & Verso Packs and the whole line of Broncolor light modifiers. It features light angle focusing, 1600 w/s of consistent power, standard Broncolor Bayonet reflector mount and umbrella holder, and built in cooling fan.

Head to Adorama for the full specs.

Broncolor Unilite 1600
The Broncolor 1600 watt/second Unilite flash head has a sturdy aluminium housing grip, and bayonet mount with automatic lock for interchangeable reflectors and various area lamps. It’s more compact than the Pulso head and is our pick for working on location with the battery powered Verso pack.

Head to Adorama for the full specs.

Broncolor Verso Battery Dock
The Broncolor Verso Battery Dock provides ~350 full power flashes @ full power and fast recycle setting — enough for most assignments, when using the Verso 2 power pack.

Head to Adorama for the full specs.

Nikon SB-910 Speedlight
The Nikon SB-910 Speedlight is Nikon’s flagship flash unit, and the most advanced in the Speedlight range. It’s our go to light for smaller subject matter, filling dark areas in ambiently lit areas, or as a very precise light source in multi-light studio environments.

Head to Adorama for the full specs.

Broncolor Beauty Dish Reflector
The Broncolor Beauty Dish Reflector is a beautiful soft, even light source which is very flattering for portraiture. When attached to any Broncolor flash head or monolight, it will provide even light with deep shadows that have soft edges.

Head to Adorama for the full specs.

Broncolor Conical Snoot
The Broncolor 20 Degree Conic Snoot focuses the light from any of our Broncolor heads and creates a small circle of light in the targeted area.

Head to Adorama for the full specs.

Broncolor PAR Reflector
The Broncolor PAR reflector is an amazing amplifier of light. The inside coating is shiny and the reflector is shaped to focus the light. This reflector increases the power of the light by 1.3 f-stops over a standard reflector.

Head to Adorama for the full specs.

Chimera Super Pro Plus Softbox – Silver Small
This Chimera 60x80cm Softbox is a small sized softbox that provides smooth light for smaller subject matter or for shooting in tight spaces.

Head to Adorama for the full specs.

Chimera Super Pro Plus Softbox – Silver Medium
This Chimera 90x120cm Softbox is our most commonly used softbox. It is a medium size providing smooth, even light for single subject portraits or other similarly sized subject matter.

Head to Adorama for the full specs.

Chimera Super Pro Plus Softbox – Silver Large
There is nothing that works quite like a big light source. This large box is 6′ on it’s long dimension and provides extremely even light across a large subject.

Head to Adorama for the full specs.

Super Pro Plus Strip Softbox Medium
The Chimera Strip Softbox (35×140 cm) is a medium strip bank, which is suitable for edge-lighting, or hair lighting. It has an extra deep projecting rim which extends beyond the face of the diffuser to provide extended control of spill light.

Head to Adorama for the full specs.

Chimera QR Speedrings
If you’ve ever wrestled with a conventional speedring, you’ll love these sweet babies. The quick release feature is a total game changer.

Head to Adorama for the full specs.

California Sunbounce Micro Kit
The California Sunbounce Micro Mini Sun-Bounce Kit – Zebra/White Screen (2×3′) includes the lightweight aluminum frame, a reversible zebra/white screen, and a shoulder bag to hold the frame and screen. The frame is designed with an integrated crossbar and clamp so that it can be comfortably held in many different ways–by hand or by attaching it to a tripod.

Head to Adorama for the full specs.

California Sunbounce Mini
The California Sunbounce Mini Sun-Bounce Kit – Silver/White Screen (3×4′) includes the lightweight aluminum frame, a reversible silver/white screen, and a shoulder bag to hold the frame and screen. The silver side is for reflecting strong contrasty light, the white side reflects a softer, diffused light. The frame is designed with an integrated crossbar and clamp so that it can be comfortably held in many different ways–by hand or by attaching it to a tripod.

Head to Adorama for the full specs.

Photoflex Lite Disc
The Photoflex 41 x 74″ (104 x 188cm), White Translucent LiteDisc collapsible reflector is our favorite portable solution for diffusing harsh light or providing a very soft fill.

Head to Adorama for the full specs.

Photoflex MultiDisc
The Photoflex 32″ 5 Surfaces MultiDisc collapsible reflector is something we don’t leave home without. Compact, packable, and gives you 5 different reflective surfaces to fine tune your lighting.

Head to Adorama for the full specs.

Lowel Tota-Light
Compact, rugged and versatile, the broad throw Lowel Tota-light can be used with an umbrella or gel-frame and diffusion as a soft key, fill, or backlight. With its adjustable reflectors, it can be a smooth and even background light, or point it toward the ceiling to raise the ambient (base) light level of a room.

Head to Adorama for the full specs.

Matthews Road Rags
The Matthews RoadRags II Kit is a portable lighting modification system that helps you to quickly and easily duplicate studio lighting effects on location. By using the different materials, you are able to quickly create contrasts, different light ratios, diffusion or block the light. The RoadRags Kit fits easily into most lighting kits.

Head to Adorama for the full specs.

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