PROBLEM: I can't count how many times I've seen this classic scene: you've walked away from your gear bag, not paying close attention and someone goes to move it and OOPS ... the bag LOOKED closed, but it was actually still open and now sh*t is going everywhere. You've got $2,000 lenses bouncing on the concrete.. SOLUTION: Here's an very simple tip that will increase your on-location camera bag kung fu skills and make sure... read more ›
7K reads
Hey all -- Another glorious episode of cjRAW is here! Can I just say that I'm having so much fun making all this content - and to be back on my game! Thank you for all your well wishes, support and sharing. Also thank you for the oodles of comments & photo submissions across my social channels for photo critique! Given your overwhelming response, I decided to not just review one, but SEVEN photos. And... read more ›
1.1K reads
Most people don't know this, but bad weather often means great (interesting) photos. So I almost never shy away from it. BUT I've heard LOTS of you whining rightly worrying about your camera gear when working outdoors in the yuck. Truth be told - I totally get it. The gear is spendy and unless you're an active pro photog want to be careful.. Sooooo, based on your asking, I thought I'd address this challenge... read more ›
1.4K reads
16 UPDATE: Still reeling from this awesome interview the Brené Brown. Incase you missed it, check it out above! UPDATE: This live show is TODAY at 3:30pm San Francisco time (6:30pm NYC time or 22:30 London) at but you can still win $200 gift card from CreativeLive by sharing this blog post via twitter and facebook, see below on to score. UPDATE: there are just 20 seats left to be part of the LIVE in-studio, in-person audience tomorrow... read more ›
3.7K reads
Hey ya'll ... thanks for all the great questions and comments about the NEW cjRAW series from way back in Episode #01 here on the blog and here the Tube. Thank you so much for sharing it with others as well. I'm grateful for your support. I felt the love --thank you-- and today I'm back trying to deliver some value, given that last episode was really just an announcement. SOoooo today I bring you answers to... read more ›
916 reads
Fellow creators, makers, do'ers and lovers of all things internet and beyond... WELCOME to the first day in a new chapter! I've been promising more content is in store, and today I'm on the delivering end of that promise... and happy to be kicking off my newest video series, chasejarvis RAW. Errrrrr. But wait a minute you say. I know, I know. RAW?! If you’ve been following me for awhile, you'll certainly be familiar with... read more ›
1.5K reads
Ok friends. This post has been a long time'll see why a in a bit... but for now, here's what you need to know. In short, I'm looking for a high quality, high hustle digital/content guru to be my right hand man / woman supporting my content efforts. It's true - I'm deep into lining up a new, fresh chapter of content aiming to add value to this community - those already with us... read more ›
889 reads
Today I’m excited to be the first to share with you a piece of game-changing technology that will help new AND established cinema / video camera operators capture world class moving pictures in the most intuitive, simple way that I’ve ever imagined. And if you read to the bottom of this post, you’ll see I’m giving you a chance to win this gear valued at ~$5000. Over my career in the photo & film industries... read more ›
4.8K reads
UPDATE: In case you missed it, here's the re-watch of the incredible episode with Justin Simien, below! It's my hope that after watching this you... ...are now more inclined to take on a huge creative challenge ...can use Justin's approach and techniques to overome hearing "no" in pursuit of your dreams. ...have a better sense for the "new" democratized way that films can get made.. ...have a better understanding of how to recognize and... read more ›
816 reads
There is no force as powerful as pursuit. It’s a gritty daily grind — but it’s the only way to find out what you’re capable of. Twenty years ago, I ditched medical school and bailed on a PhD in Philosophy to pursue my own calling to become a photographer. Amidst a bunch of head-scratching and doubt from my family and peers, I abandoned a known outcome to dedicate my life to making art. This quest... read more ›
3.8K reads