If the best camera is the one that's with us, the camera phone wins for me (iPhone in particular, but I'm excited for all models). But let's take a departure for a second, because just minutes ago Phil Schiller announced the new iPad mini. // 7.9 inch diagonal screen // A5 dual core chip // Facetime HD // 5MP iSight Camera // LTE wireless... read more ›
3K reads
Last week, I lost a dear, dear friend. Many of you probably heard about the fatal avalanche at Stevens Pass, WA, that claimed three lives. It made international news. My close pal Chris Rudolph was one of the victims. At just 30 years old, he was one of the kindest, most generous, talented people I knew. He loved the mountains. He loved to ski in the rain. He was the Ambassador of all things Rad.... read more ›
6.9K reads