After months of detention in a Beijing prison the Chinese government today released famed Chinese artist Ai Wei Wei on bail. Ai, arguably China's most well known artist, was taken into custody in April amid a crackdown on dissidents and activists across China. This is breaking news for the art world but it's also great news to my ears personally. I've been moved by his work and intelligent dissent for quite some time, and became... read more ›
382 reads
The Kuwait Times, Gizmodo and Engadget have reported that the government of Kuwait has outlawed DSLR cameras. "The Ministries of Information, Social Affairs and Finance (hello, 1984!) have collectively decided to ban the use of the chunky shooters in public places, except where it can be shown that it's for journalistic purposes." - Engadget. ---UPDATE---- The Kuwait Times Newspaper has rescinded this story. Go figure. ___________ This ban reportedly affects tourists too, so if you're... read more ›
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