If you're pursing a photography career, you'll want to lean into my latest conversation on the Chase Jarvis LIVE show with Chris Burkard. I have had the great privilege of knowing Chris for darn near a decade now. As an accomplished photographer, explorer, author, creative director, and speaker, he has travelled to some of the most remote places on earth capturing stories and images that connect us to nature and the importance of protecting... read more ›
1.5K reads
Today’s guest is one many of you have been asking for oh-so-long. He’s one of the top travel, outdoor, and landscape photographers in the world, bringing us to some of the most untamed and powerful landscapes in the pursuit of powerful stories, hidden surf, and a good adventure. Of course in this episode we get into his new book, At Glacier’s End, but we also get into some meaty topics such as: the power of... read more ›
5K reads
At 26 years old, Chris Burkard is living the dream of traveling around the world to shoot surfers in exotic places. He's been recognized for his work with some prestigious awards including a first place spot in the Red Bull Illume competition. His images are a complementary mix of being right in the action and being removed from it. At times the subject is a tiny speck in the grander landscape. Other times the camera... read more ›
2.7K reads