Update: It's official now, I'm dropping in as a guest on JoeyL's show TODAY at 10:45 Seattle Time (1:45 NYC; 18:45 London). Join us - ask questions. I just was sent over the topics he's going to grill me on and I haven't given an interview this in-depth about commercial photography in more than a year. Tune in HERE to watch... -- Occasionally I hand pick certain people that I'd like to see... read more ›
1.3K reads
Want to know what your rights are as a photographer in the USA for shoot photos in public? All of us USA'ers do, as well as anyone who might travel here. So...As a part of his hitRECORD project, kudos go out to actor Joseph Gordon-Levitt (my best friend panel pal - here we are talking creativity...) for calling on the ghost of Ben Franklin to educate us via this cheesy--but very informative--cartoon by... read more ›
1.1K reads
Picture Monica Lewinsky w a cigar, Hitler in a bunker, the Beatles w their lawyers. It's all here. Or rather it's all in your mind... So what does a book look like that is targeted at visual artists and creatives, yet has exactly ZERO pictures and isn't a how-to? Well, it looks like well-known photo agent Frank Meo's latest personal project called Mind Prints. A hardback book laden w typography. From the intro:We all collect... read more ›
1.6K reads
Last week when I posted the broadcast commercial for REI that I recently directed, I promised a behind-the-scenes vid. So here 'tis -- the focus here on the epic aerial shots we nailed using a remote-operated RC helicopter flying an onboard camera, curtesy of our friends at FreeFly Cinema. Hope you dig it. Also--since a lot of y'all have been asking via social channels--I figured I'd give a second-by-second, shot-by-shot breakdown of the... read more ›
4.1K reads
VERY stoked to finally share some of my latest commercial director work that's playing all over your TV's here in the USA. It's the new 30 second broadcast TV spot for that great outdoor brand, REI. Remember all these posts back in March, chronicling the day by day shooting of a video-and-print campaign-all-in-one shoot?...working through some curveball weather challenges? Well, this spot here is one of the fruits of that labor. As you... read more ›
1.5K reads
When I say shut down. I mean. Shut. Down. Another day of zero pictures, zero footage. We have a few crucial shots to get in the can before we can leave. I'm talking 'must have'...so we're not messing around anymore. It's do or die, but today it just wasn't happening. The beauty of shooting in a studio is that... read more ›
336 reads
My alarm goes off. It's 3:45 this morning. I snooze till 3:56. Now I'm up, but barely. No shower. Pull on dirty bluejeans. Tshirt. Brush teeth. Some quick math tells me that I’d just enjoyed a luxurious 3 hour and 15 minute night of sleep. Moving. Slowly. And then I remember more clearly. Ah yes..heading out of town again. Excited--but remembered that the cab to the airport is due here in 20 minutes. Finish packing... read more ›
819 reads
----- [Want to know how we choose where to shoot our most important photo and video projects? Tune in! I'm Scott - Chase's right hand man - and this guest blog post is the first in a series of three where I'll be covering the steps I take in the role of Chase's lead assistant that pertain to scouting shoot locations. This first post will go over the process of selecting locations from the comfort... read more ›
3.6K reads