When you combine youth, unlimited cash and iPhone technology, you get braggadocios photographic evidence of a lavish lifestyle. Also known as the Rich Kids of Instagram. At first glance, this Tumblr is so ridiculously over the top it's laughable. But a deeper look reveals for me some cultural sadness...privileged kids posting bar tab receipts that cost more than four... read more ›
7K reads
"Black Friday - When people trample others for cheap products mere hours after being thankful for what they already have." So goes the popular meme making the rounds on the Web this time of the year. Black Friday is the proverbial train wreck. I'm mostly inclined against it, since holiday season isn't about consumerism, but I don't pretend to be outside it. I will walk the... read more ›
1K reads
I feel like I’ve seen a lot of the world in my relatively short life. I’ve hiked, camped, climbed, and adventured plenty on most of the continents. I’ve gone to some pretty remote places and seen some pretty remarkable stuff, but I’ve rarely been as connected to the earth as much as I’ve been in the past week. Being plucked from my daily life, the mayhem of a modern age, and then dropped into a... read more ›
803 reads