Like most of us, when the pandemic hit I wanted to find a way to help. I started talking to friends, family, my team and my network and an idea started to take form. What we noticed–outside of the tragic impacts of sickness and death–is that Covid-19 affected our communities in ways we could have never foreseen. It shuttered doors of small business, it closed creative venues, it took away jobs and left our towns... read more ›
444 reads
At 8 years old, Rebecca Minkoff’s mother refused to buy her the dress she wanted, offering instead to teach her to sew. At an early age, Rebecca learned the value of doing things on her own, and once she got started, she couldn’t stop. Rebecca is an entrepreneur in the fullest sense; a fashion designer, author, podcast host, wife, and mother. In this episode, Rebecca recounts her journey, and shares insight on how she’s able to... read more ›
399 reads
Have you ever felt that who you thought you were doesn't align with who you actually are? If so, you're not alone. Whether it by cultural conditioning or childhood trauma, it's not hard to see how our inner voice can get lost in the noise. Enter Dr. Nicole LePera. Nicole is a Holistic Psychologist and Content Creator works to help us learn to heal trauma and consciously recreate ourselves. Nicole discovered holistic psychology while on a... read more ›
1K reads
Just a few days ago, my book Creative Calling hit it’s one year anniversary. And what a year it’s been. One of my favorite things about the last year, has been the growing community pursuing their own calling and rallying behind creativity. Community is critical for support, feedback, opportunities, and of course, celebrating those wins. Yet, it’s one of the most overlooked areas for creating success in any field. So it seemed fitting to share... read more ›
429 reads
Back on the show is my good friend Vanessa Van Edwards. Vanessa joined us LIVE on CreativeLive TV. A brand new, free 24/7 variety show, live-streamed from the very casual living rooms, studios, and kitchen tables of our worldwide community of legendary creators. Vanessa is the Lead Investigator at Science of People. She is also the best-selling author of Captivate: The Science of Succeeding with People. Through her studies of human behavior, she’s unlocked tangible... read more ›
848 reads