As the aftermath of the Japan earthquake and tsunami have fallen lower on the news-cycle, a group of committed artists, some friends of mine and a whole lotta people--Yoko Ono, William Gibson, Barry Eisler, Jake Adelstein, Kings of Leon and others--have stepped up to create 2:46 #Quakebook, a "rich collection of essays, artwork and photographs submitted by individuals around the world, including people who endured the disaster and journalists who covered it." Quakebook, started with... read more ›
200 reads
No doubt you've seen some images from the earthquake and tsunami like these here from the NY Times/AP. The devastation in Japan is horrific, as is the state of affairs, the deaths, missing people, damaged lives and immeasurable property damage. Unthinkable sadness. The photos too are extremely powerful. In kind, in their quietness, in scale. In short, they are completely surreal. The ability for a photograph... read more ›
1.1K reads