Gretchen Rubin is the author of several blockbuster NYT bestsellers (Better Than Before, The Happiness Project and Happier At Home) which have sold millions of copies worldwide. If you notice a common theme of “happiness,” that’s because Gretchen is one of the world’s foremost “happiness experts.” I love this term because it says something very important yet rarely said, which is that happiness is largely a choice - that it’s not random but the product... read more ›
2.5K reads
BACKSTORY Today is a big day - many months (years) in the making. Today I'm excited to be kicking off one of the most exciting, inspiring and ambitious projects of my career: a free video series called 30 Days Of Genius. If you've been following me for a while you'll know that chasejarvisLIVE has been a huge undertaking - me sitting down with the world's top creatives + entrepreneurs for an hour conversation with them... read more ›
8.3K reads