Recently sat down with my man Jordan Harbinger on his podcast The Jordan Harbinger Show. As a radio personality and a podcaster long before it was cool, Jordan is no stranger to the mic. It was a fun conversation and I hope you enjoy! A few of my fav topics: I share my framework for learning from the masters by deconstructing what they do and applying it My creative slumps and how I dug out... read more ›
596 reads
Gabby Bernstein is at the forefront of the growing spiritual wellness trend for a generation taught to strive for success above all else. She has been named a “next-generation thought leader” by Oprah Winfrey. She appears regularly as an expert on The Dr. Oz Show and has been named “a new role model” by The New York Times. She is an NYT bestselling author, and the founder of, a social networking site to inspire,... read more ›
2.7K reads
Hello my internet friends! Today is a very exciting day. I'm proud to announce 28 to Make: daily creative project ideas. Short version: I want you to join me and some friends in a global 28 day movement to dramatically enhance your creativity - and maybe your life. Longer version? Read on...but it's basically just pure awesome, and very simple, low friction, zero cost and just 5 minutes per day to way way way up... read more ›
4K reads