Arianna Huffington is one of the most influential women in the world. In May 2005, she launched the Huffington Post, a Pulitzer Prize-winning news and blog site that has become one of the strongest media brands on the Internet. She is a prolific media commentator, a confident political activist, and the author of more than 15 books. In this episode, we take a deep dive into a topic that has become near and dear to... read more ›
2.4K reads
UPDATE: WE HAVE A WINNER!!!! Shopify's Build a Business competition is OVER and THE WINNER IS… Kevin Mack of Tatsup! For more information on Kevin and Tatsup, head to Shopify's blog post announcement. Needless to say, I'm stoked to be able to be able to bring him to NYC, slap a chunk of change into his hand, and give him my advice every step of the way (or for as long as he... read more ›
908 reads
I'm not much known for just dipping my toe in the water. And this is no exception. "It's gotta be real money and real access" I said. "How about $50,000 cash, plus a trip to NYC to receive your mentorship and spend some quality time with you." "Um. DEAL." An that's how it went down on the phone with my friends at Shopify, the powerful e-commerce website solution that allows you to sell... read more ›
900 reads