In case you blinked and missed it, Panasonic has joined the Video dSLR game with Nikon and Canon with the announcement of their new Lumix GH1, to be released end of May.They're touting a couple "breakthroughs":_HD footage with autofocus. Personally, I have really developed an appreciation for the manual aspects of the Nikon D90 and the Canon 5d, but I can see why the general (read: non-pro/advanced-am, photo-crazed) population will appreciate this._a "multi-aspect"sensor. Short version... read more ›
240 reads
I've been yelping about photo and video convergence since long before the Nikon D90 and the Canon 5d, so it's nice to see the support for these claims just keep on rolling in. For example, Esquire magazine today announced that the June 2009 issue of their rather glorious magazine (on sale May 10) features Megan Fox on its cover, and more importantly, that the image was captured with a video camera. Yes. That's right the... read more ›
1K reads
Hopefully you recall the brilliant Subservient Chicken site from way back. You type in a command and the chicken executes it. Funny shiznit, right? But how bored do you get how fast?Me? I used to be a sucker. Back in the day, I'd linger at that site for a 3 or 4 minutes. Today? I'd get bored in five seconds.Unless...Unless after every command I issued the chicken, he did what I asked and then added... read more ›
1.4K reads
You may have already seen this, but in case you missed it...If you've ever doubted that photo/imaging/video was going to integrate really nicely with the web, then think again, and take a peek at this: No, no, no, not my dumb arse there off to the side...take a look at the image. It's more than a stupid cartoon and my stupid face. What you're looking at is my screen grab of a digital hologram. I... read more ›
458 reads
The photography industry is really focused on the ‘industry’ part and not so much on the ‘photography’ part. This is the greatest moment in the history of photography if your dream is to distribute as much photography as possible to as many people as possible, or if your goal is to make it as easy as possible to become seen as a photographer. There’s never been a time like this before.So if your focus is... read more ›
678 reads
Lots of blogs come and go, but of note this week are two... One coming, the other, well, we're not sure.First, liveBooks--known globally for their custom photography websites--humbly but proudly joined the online discussion last Tuesday by launching a new blog titled RESOLVE. (I've been a liveBooks fan for some time, having switched over to their smooth setup late in 2007 after being impressed by their ability to serve up big photos, and fast.) Their... read more ›
460 reads
[Note: I'm excited today to announce a new element to this here blog: monthly guest posts from my badass staff. Since each of them are experts in their own right, I figured you'd be interested in hearing some different perspectives. Today, Scott takes the reins and raps about our push for visual impact over "perfection" and how stock photography gives him the willies. Round of applause, please...take it away Scotty...]We keep a lot of irons... read more ›
445 reads
Many of you know David Hobby, aka Strobist. He and I are dear friends. We talk often. And we’ve been talking for several weeks now about free photography. Free? Huh? Whadaya mean FREE?! FREE? This is where some of you may freak out.Ya, I mean free. Not as in licensing photographs you’ve already taken, but as in taking pictures for someone's use, in exchange for zero money. A project, a test, an assignment. I’ve been... read more ›
1.3K reads
27 May of this year I was invited--along with photo Illuminati compadres David Hobby (Strobist) and David Nightingale (Chromasia)--to Gulf Photo Plus in Dubai, UAE to give a little chat to some photographers. The seminar was called "Making the Web Work for You". If you're at all thinking of blogging, video, the web, or sharing information, then you will pick up a thing or two, guaranteed. Keep in mind, it's almost entirely unedited. But there... read more ›
366 reads
"Sure the economy is in the outhouse, but I can't help but fixate on the tremendous opporunity that awaits the saavy photographer or digital artist who is well-equipped to address the next digital photography era." So I have this thought above, and it's pinging around my brain this morning over a split-shot Americano, when a friend flips me this great piece by a Forrester-Researcher-turned-social-technologist named Peter Kim called "Comments on The Next Digital Era". Turns... read more ›
321 reads