I like popular culture a lot. I'm a junkie with respect to it... I also like design, technology, branding, and athletics among lots of other things. And it's a collision of several of things interests that brought me to want to post this quick entry. I was shocked this morning--when perusing my daily must-hits online--and I stumbled on the following two things back to back. First thing, I'd not seen before. Second item, I've seen... read more ›
324 reads
For those of us who have been waiting... Newsflash from the Adobe website:A new era in creative expression is about to unfold, freeing us to color outside the lines, to think in multiple dimensions, to engage audiences like never before.Join us for a live webcast of the unveiling of Adobe Creative Suite 3, hosted in New York City by Adobe CEO Bruce Chizen and COO Shantanu Narayen. Witness live the largest and most significant product... read more ›
173 reads
...you were wrong. Household appliance manufacturing giant, General Electric, recently announced their entry into the digital photography game. Does that give any indication of how gi-normous this market is becoming? The name of their project is exactly what we'd expect: General Imaging.As an anecdote illustrating how big it's getting:I was recently on a dance floor in Manhattan at 2:30 in the morning with about 250 of my closest friends (ahem...). At one point, I pulled... read more ›
295 reads
So what am I, the frickin ASMP sales guy? Naw. Just found another good deal to pass your way: If you're an ASMP member, you can save up to 17% on stuff from Apple. Seems from this and my earlier post that Apple and Adobe are really going head to head on a couple angles: (1)connecting with the pro shooter (all these promos aimed at the pro market), and (2)fighting over marketshare between Aperture and... read more ›
176 reads
You may have heard the news today: Adobe Lightroom emerges from beta testing and is for sale beginning February 19th. If you're running the beta, it will expire on February 28th. It will be priced near $300 BUT I've just learned from my good friends at ASMP.org that if act now, you can save $100. Purchase Lightroom direct from Adobe here to get the discount.And, if you're a photographer and you're NOT already a member... read more ›
215 reads
I'll keep it short. Instead of watching a movie tonight, watch Steve Jobs keynote address here. iPhone, AppleTV, more. Bring it on!
212 reads
While I'm respectful of the past, it's true, I often rip on the Old School of photography, art, and culture--just read previous posts. Not because it's bad, but simply because it's not now and it's less relevant now than ever before. I just gave an interview to American Photo Magazine editor Miki Johnson (check out the group blog she does with the other editors Jay Defoore and David Schonauer) and I suspect my comments will... read more ›
286 reads
Friends. Seems that there's been a fair amount of stir in the photo industry about Getty Images' recent stock photography paradigm shift. My earlier entry on this topic has been far and away the most popular post on my blog in recent weeks. I've received (and read) a lot of correspondence about this, and, based on all of the digital traffic, something has become abundantly clear to me: a lot of folks are unclear about... read more ›
221 reads
Getty Images is big. Getty Images has changed the game. Again.For those who weren’t paying attention a while back, Getty changed the stock photo game when they made the number one (yep, first, primary, numero uno), behind the scenes search return criteria ‘date uploaded’. What did that mean? It meant that if you went to Getty and searched for, say, images of “Paris”, that the most recently uploaded image of Paris came up on the... read more ›
626 reads
Select HP digital cameras can now make subjects look skinny. Seriously. Check out this link to the 'slimming feature' on the HP site.So let's contextualize this. In advertising photography image makers go to incredible (sometimes ridiculous) lengths to maximize how great a product or lifestyle should look. Put the zippiest finish on this image or that. Photoshop is the tool of choice here, noting it's ubiquity and massive success. Professionals use it all the time--nearly... read more ›
342 reads