One of the most powerful things about creating images is the magic of bending reality with a camera. In the middle of a city of steel, a single flower can be framed to create the illusion of nature. No one even knows the surrounding scenery exists. Forced Perspective photography is intriguing: it manipulates human perception with things like size, positioning and scale. Click through the tabs above... read more ›
10.7K reads
One image can be so powerful - able to elicit strong emotions and social awareness in an instant. Consider this project by a photographer who portraits elderly animals with a Hasselblad as a way to cope with her own mother having Alzheimer’s. The photographs she created are profound and heart wrenching, a unique look into aging with subjects we oftentimes overlook. Click through the tabs above to see some of her evocative images. The photographer’s... read more ›
2.4K reads
When we gaze upon an iconic (or even just a really good) photograph, it’s difficult to think about the work or the passion behind it - we are seeing a documented scene or a crafted image and--unless you are a photographer--most people don’t wonder about the individual who was behind the camera. Sure, the majority of the populace will automatically recognize the photo of the Afghan Girl that was... read more ›
7.5K reads