Pain and suffering are fundamental to the human experience. We come into this world with the belief that there’s a better, more beautiful world out there, and we long to return to it. This pain can consume you if you let it, but it can also be a potent catalyst for creativity. Questions to get things rolling: Do you typically repress the pain, internalize it, and let it damage the way you treat yourself and... read more ›
1.6K reads
Even though I’m an extrovert, I have a feeling the future favors the introvert. Beth Comstock was at the CreativeLive studios in Seattle and I could not help but snag her for a quick moment to pick her brain on one of the most popular topics on my channel — navigating an extroverted world as an introvert. As a self-described introvert, Beth knows what it’s like to find elevate your strengths and have the courage... read more ›
890 reads