In the past several days, I've received a ton of correspondence asking if I'd re-post my chasejarvisLIVE Keynote address from the PDN Photo Plus Expo in NYC last week. You asked for it, you got it. At about the 25-or-so minute mark, I wrap up my monologue and invite a handful of guests on stage, all of whom I consider my friends who are living my message. I think you'll be quite engaged.... read more ›
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Friends: Just a reminder that we're broadcasting chasejarvisLIVE here in NYC Thursday 10/28 (that's either tomorrow or TODAY depending on where you are in the world...!). We're coming LIVE at you from the main stage at the PDN Photo Plus Expo. I'll be delivering the keynote address....and more importantly, I'll be bringing some amazing guests (see below) with me for a live panel (complete with Q & A from a worldwide audience via my twitter... read more ›
318 reads