Julien Smith is a long-time friend and familiar face on the podcast. I first brought him on in 2013 to talk about why not caring about what others think is a useful skill to have as a creator in any field (translation: he penned a LEGENDARY blog post called 'the subtle art of not giving a f*$k' - which went crazy viral and later inspired a best selling book by Mark Manson...). And now Julien is BAAACK…this... read more ›
1.9K reads
I've heard through your shout-outs + tweets + views + comments n such that most of you love what we're doing with music on #cjLIVE. Those of you who pay attention to the show might have noticed that we have been on a bit of a hot streak with new music over the past couple of years. Here's a few of my fav highlights from the very earliest moments of these now well-known musicians: _Macklemore... read more ›
965 reads
Are you ready to have that lightbulb moment? Yes? Then stop reading and hit PLAY on the vid above. My guest in last week's cjLIVE was none other than the globe trotting, "self employed for life" hacker Chris Guillebeau. In addition to being all those things plus the founder of the World Domination Summit (most amazing name ever for a creative conference...) he is a best-selling author of The $100 Startup as well... read more ›
719 reads
Update: We are TODAY with renowned author, world traveler and all-around inspiration Chris Guillebeau. My dinner with Chris last night was electrifying and foreshadowed today's show which promises to deliver the goods on how Chris has accomplished more in his 35 years than most do in a lifetime. Head over to the live page to tune in. Prepare to have that lightbulb moment for yourself while watching the next episode of chasejarvisLIVE on Wednesday, May... read more ›
278 reads
We had TWO amazing guests on the this episode of chasejarvisLIVE, which aired Wednesday, April 3, 2013. Julien Smith is a NY Times best-selling author, CEO, voice actor and radio broadcaster. To fully enjoy his appearance on our show, you need to stop giving a f*#k right now. Not about your work, but about what other people - the haters, the doubters, the "experts", your boss, your classmates - think. I went man crush when... read more ›
531 reads
Update: We are LIVE RIGHT NOW with NY Times best-selling author, CEO, voice actor, radio broadcaster, and all-around awesome, Julien Smith and special musical guest My Goodness. Tune in to hear why not giving a F%&! can truly help you be more creative. Head over to the LIVE page. TWO amazing guests on the next episode of chasejarvisLIVE on Wednesday, April 3, 2013. To enjoy Guest #1... you need to stop giving a f*#k right... read more ›
331 reads