There is a raw, metaphysical power in snapshots that cannot be denied. Throughout my career I have been hired or commissioned to create very specific technical photos. There are lights and crews and mechanics involved - and while it's incredibly creative - it's also complicated. There is a purity and undeniable power in a snapshot. I recently came across these stunning snapshots (via Flavorwire), spanning 50... read more ›
2.7K reads
Got a wild hair one day last week and had a BLAST making this little video about the new Polaroid Z340 -- a blend of old analog and new digital technologies. Hope you dig it enough to have a laugh, watch it again, and forward to your friends. Polaroid has never been about specs or crazy high end performance, they’re about fun, instant prints, and kitsch. The Z340 delivers on that - perfect... read more ›
1.5K reads
You knew it was coming. A bazillion of you have been asking and now you are among the first to know: the Polaroid GL10 Mobile Instant Printer that was announced back at CES in January is now available for pre-order, but more importantly, it will hit some actual retail shelves first thing this morning in limited quantities. The GL10 (I've been fondly calling it the Polaprinter) was... read more ›
7.3K reads