If you've been following me for awhile, my guest today will be familiar to you -- my good friend Tim Ferriss. He actually was a very early guest of cjLIVE, and now years later it's good to have him back. If you're not familiar with Tim, he's a 3x New York Times Best-Selling Author. He has a podcast that’s been downloaded over 70 MILLION times, a new TV show called the Tim Ferriss Experiment, an... read more ›
4.1K reads
From her start as a “Jersey girl with nothing more than passion, a laptop, and a dream,” Marie Forleo built a digital empire. Named by Oprah as a thought leader for the next generation and one of Forbes top 100 websites for Entrepreneurs, her mission is to help you realize your greatest potential and use your unique talents to change the world. In this episode, we dive into real lessons of listening to your gut,... read more ›
4.2K reads
Seth Godin is an incredible human. He’s an author of 18, yes that's right, 18 best selling books. He is an entrepreneur, a guru in marketing, and writes a post every day on his blog which has been noted as one of the top marketing blogs on the internet. Seth's most current focus is his course called the altMBA focused on developing high-powered thinkers and leaders. One of the things I like best about Seth... read more ›
4.2K reads
(Note: A similar post originally appeared as part of our podcast launch announcement. To enable everyone to find Mark Cuban's show notes, I've decided to include a separate post here as well.) Mark sold his first company at age 29, his second one at age 39 for $5.7 Billion, he is the outspoken owner of Dallas Mavericks, he owns Magnolia Pictures, and is the star of ABC’s Shark Tank. In this episode, Mark shares some stories... read more ›
2.4K reads
Hi Friends! Over the past 60 days, I've received SO SO MANY requests - literally hundreds of tweets, snaps, comments, emails etc requesting a podcast version of the #cjLIVE interviews we did for 30 Days Of Genius series... So today I’m very happy to announce - it's here. Yes, as of TODAY - you can on subscribe here on iTunes and get one episode every week. UPDATE: We are featured in New & Noteworthy on iTunes.... read more ›
3.1K reads
Update: It's official now, I'm dropping in as a guest on JoeyL's show TODAY at 10:45 Seattle Time (1:45 NYC; 18:45 London). Join us - ask questions. I just was sent over the topics he's going to grill me on and I haven't given an interview this in-depth about commercial photography in more than a year. Tune in HERE to watch... -- Occasionally I hand pick certain people that I'd like to see... read more ›
1.3K reads
If you come around these parts often you know that I have a keen interest in education. The fact is, in order to find success in a creative career or otherwise, learning what's most important and executing against it is critical. In short, if you want to kick-ass at your job, hobby, passion, life... you need to learn how to learn (see my homie Tim Ferriss'... read more ›
1.6K reads
Do you know how to load a roll of film? Work a light meter? Edit slides on a light table? Scan film? Color correct scans? Track a photo inventory? Submit photos to clients? Work with a stock agency? Make prints? Pack a camera bag? Ship equipment? Set up lights? Scout a location? Drive on the left side of the road? Order food in French? Clean a digital sensor? Work in Photoshop? Create a workflow? Edit... read more ›
1.2K reads