If you've been honing your creativity for awhile, you might have come across The Artist's Way, by legendary author Julia Cameron. Her work resonated with me in more ways than one, including helping myself and millions of others work to cultivate creativity and grow my craft. Julia joins me on today's show to talk about her life journey, upcoming book, The Listening Path, and the heart-warming backstory behind her bestselling creation, The Artist's Way. The... read more ›
1.4K reads
As any regular Redditor knows, the internet is made of cats. They've been with us since the days of the Egyptians - although nowadays they have their own reality shows. What is it with these damn cats? As the collection of images below indicates, cats have played the role of creative muses in the lives of some pretty famous creatives, including Dali, Picasso and Warhol.... read more ›
2.7K reads