Photo geeks and space nerds unite. Saw this and had to share it. This is the first time mankind has ever seen the planet Mercury in its entirety. Scientists used thousands of images collected for over a year by the MESSENGER probe to completely map the surface of the planet, taken at a resolution of 1km per pixel. The yellow-orange sections are highly volcanic lava plains, and the dark blue areas are assumed to be... read more ›
3.6K reads
Photography is in my blood, and space has always held a fascination for me. Easy to see then why photographer and NASA astronaut Donald Pettit's talk about photographing in space held me rapt. No models or art directors, editors, agents or clients, just this one man an his small struggles to capture an environment that not many get to experience. Watch the vid to learn about his work, his equipment, and a surreal existence aboard... read more ›
1.1K reads
While those of us here on Earth are Tweeting our brunch pictures and the occasional trite shot of a vacation sunset, astronaut Soichi Noguchi (follow him at @Astro_Soichi) has been Tweeting amazing photos of his extraterrestrial spacewalk adventures, northern lights from outside the atmosphere, and other ephemera back from freaking SPACE to us mere mortals on terra firma since way back in... read more ›
2.3K reads
Hey photo friends, Erik here. I recently stumbled upon Photography Monthly’s article on “The 50 Greatest Cameras of All Time”. I was a little surprised that my beloved Olympus E-P3 didn’t make their list, but I put together this little collection of some of my other favorites with some bits of information about them for your perusal. And whoa are there some doozies in there. The list is fascinating, lots of history and indications of... read more ›
85.4K reads