I was onto the rush of mirrorless cameras pretty early - mostly from manufacturers sharing with me what was "coming soon", but I admit that I didn't really "get" it, until I started receiving early versions, prototypes and demos from the marketing folks at all your fav manufactures. Only then did I truly understand the punch that these little cameras pack - because they're good. I loved the concept, but hated the tiny sensors and... read more ›
56K reads
Although gear isn't even close to the most important part of photography, it's still important. And choosing the best camera for your particular needs can be a daunting task - which is why I often get new gear to bang around with and it's also why I associate with smart gear guys like my pal Sohail. In this review, Sohail puts the new Nikon 7100 through its paces in a way that I haven't got... read more ›
10.6K reads