I live by hard work + hustle -- they are some of the key elements to my success and the successes of so many of my peers... but so is recovery. One cannot live at 100mph. One cannot ALWAYS be on a diet, be in peak performance. Rest is mandatory. We either choose to find it in appropriate doses OR our bodies an our lives will choose it for us (crash and burn, get sick,... read more ›
1.2K reads
HA! You asked for another #cjRAW behind-the-scenes photo/video shoot...and so I'm DELIVERING! That's right, in this episode of #cjRAW, I take you on location to photograph SERENA WILLIAMS, ROGER FEDERER and half dozen more of the BEST TENNIS STARS IN THE WORLD (while shooting a campaign for Wilson Tennis). Working smoothly with pro athletes or celebrities or otherwise fancy people on set is under-recognized, but highly valuable skill. Put bluntly - it is almost always... read more ›
5K reads
Whoa. Again, love how opinionated we all are. Over 1000 opinions in 18 hours. Love love it. If you happened to miss yesterday's post, we asked for your help in choosing between two images during an edit. And, just as in previous A vs. B posts, I promised to follow up with MY preference of images and a discussion about the comparison. So here are my thoughts....(hit 'continue reading') Continue reading
383 reads
Alrighty. Regardless of the fact that this A or B series (here, here, and here) has been really interesting for us, helpful, and popular with you (the last such post received over 1000 comments in 24 hours)... This time it is of even greater interest for us. You see, we're doing some image editing around here and we've stumbled into a little internal debate about which one of these two images is actually better, A... read more ›
5.7K reads