UPDATE: The LIVE broadcast is TODAY. Check out the post below and be sure to tune into http://www.chasejarvis.com/live — 11am SEA time (2pm NYC -19:00 London) — and enjoy the show. See you on air in a few… You've heard that little voice in the back of your head that screams, "I have something to say" Guess what. It's the same voice that Einstein, DaVinci, Napoleon and Goethe heard. It's important. It's what... read more ›
1K reads
Dance is a universal form of expression. The spontaneous or choreographed movement of a human body tells a story, reflects social commentary, can be a spiritual exercise...or just damn fun. (impromptu dance parties are encouraged in my family...) We are born with this understanding of movement. Babies dance when they hear music. Dance even transcends humanity - even animals dance. Suffice to say I've had a long love-affair with capturing human movement in still photography,... read more ›
5.8K reads
Across the pond from me in Germany there is some stunning work getting kicked out of a little boutique firm called The Marmalade that you should know about. I'm drawn to more than just the final result...I love HOW they're acheiving it too... Behind the scenes thinking and such below. Have a great Monday.
796 reads
Hi friends! Quick favor to ask here – would LOVE your help if you’re interested or know a family who meets the requirements below. I've turned to you guys before for stuff like this and it's been fun and good for us all. As such, this could be a really fun experience and provide some really solid money for the holidays... In short, we're looking for a large 20 - 30 person, multi-generational family for... read more ›
377 reads
"Black Friday - When people trample others for cheap products mere hours after being thankful for what they already have." So goes the popular meme making the rounds on the Web this time of the year. Black Friday is the proverbial train wreck. I'm mostly inclined against it, since holiday season isn't about consumerism, but I don't pretend to be outside it. I will walk the... read more ›
1.1K reads
For my USA friends, tomorrow is our Thanksgiving holiday where we traditionally give thanks for all that we have in life: friends, family, individuality - whatever it might be to his or her own... And I love to invite our international friends to join us in this celebration. While I normally invoke a more serious tone for this holiday - one filled with true, humble, gratitude - today is all that, but I couldn't help... read more ›
1.6K reads
If you come around these parts often you know that I have a keen interest in education. The fact is, in order to find success in a creative career or otherwise, learning what's most important and executing against it is critical. In short, if you want to kick-ass at your job, hobby, passion, life... you need to learn how to learn (see my homie Tim Ferriss'... read more ›
1.6K reads
London photographer Roman Sakovich has hit a nerve - many nerves that is, including mine - with his recent portrait series titled "Half". Thru some simple but astute post production, Sakovich combines the two halves of a person...on the left 'before' addiction & abuse, and on the right, after, at full throttle. Certainly the studio photos have been enhanced, but the results don't waver. Simple photographs, compelling + robust narrative. Signs of good art. #Respect.... read more ›
7.3K reads
The damage and scale of the superstorm Sandy continues to come to light today. At least 56 people in the U.S. were killed and another 67 in the Caribbean. Cost estimates are in the $60 billion range and more than 4 million people remain without power. Reports from all of the major news organizations paint a more complete picture by the hour - ranging from major inconvenience to total devastation.... read more ›
692 reads
You've heard me say it before - don't sink all your effort into being incrementally better. Instead be DIFFERENT. Be BOLD. This episode of chasejarvisLIVE was focused specifically on this simple idea. And my special guests for this episode epitomize this 'different' and 'bold' mantra as well as anyone I know. Like all of my guests, these guys aren't ensconced in the "this is how it is" photo industry - they're innovators from a parallel... read more ›
846 reads