If you've ever questioned the power of an image, consider the current news cycle. The US government has decided it won't show images of the dead Bin Laden. If you're wondering why, the answer is simple. A photograph--an image--is an incredibly powerful thing. It can be a tool, intentionally or incidentally. It can tell an entire story of a month, year, decade, or a generation, captured in perhaps just 1/1000 of a second. An image... read more ›
692 reads
I've watched this vid a half dozen times since it came out a while back. I never tire of it. If you missed it when it first dropped --OR, hell, even if you've seen it before--please saddle up here for 5 min and enjoy the unique power of photography. When I talk about "Social Art" (like here for example) this is, in part, what I'm getting at. A magnificent and stunning example here... read more ›
777 reads