The Grammys are a usually a lovely nightcap to the previous year’s music. Some celebration, some tension, a little drama and some nice performances. And whether or not you agree with where the Grammy Committee’s voting ended up in any category - one thing is for sure: 4 Grammy’s from Macklemore & Ryan Lewis - who to this day are not signed to a record label - is impressive. And perhaps what’s more impressive IMHO... read more ›
3.7K reads
As many of you who are regular readers know, I am longtime friend (and fan of course) of Macklemore & Ryan Lewis. Ben (Macklemore) and I get coffee at the same joint. He has played dinner parties at my studio and he and Ryan deployed a magical performance on chasejarvisLIVE among other things over the years. But it is with a special appreciation that I've been attuned their meteoric rise to the top of the... read more ›
2.8K reads
This work deserves a more in depth sharing at a later date, but in short I've done some recent work with the(RED) project around new ways to document, cultivate and otherwise further explore the intersection of music with film & photography. Things beyond the music video, honestly. Real integration, raw integration that sprouts up organically or from small, simple roots. The particular work I was doing on the day we shot the above was literally... read more ›
818 reads