While I was in Asia last week, I got a update note from my talented, activist photographer friend, Chris Jordan, with a link to the below, powerful, heartwrenching clip... He's making progress on his feature documentary at midway. NOTE: this content is emotive and graphic. It shows the last moments--literally the last breaths--of a dying albatross. If this might bother you, do not watch it. If, on the other hand, you have the ability to... read more ›
1.3K reads
Few people that I know who have ever encountered photographer Chris Jordan's work can dismiss or forget it, let alone NOT be inspired to action. Here's a re-watch of this TRULY inspiring chasejarvisLIVE episode with the eye-opening Mr. Chris Jordan. Wondering about how to leave your safe job and become a photographer? Want to get out from under that blanket of creative & professional fear? Want a cause-based vision for your photography? Want... read more ›
1K reads
Lots of people would have called Chris Jordan crazy to leave a career as a well-paid attorney to pursue a career as a fine art photographer with a cause-based mission to document the human impact on the world. That is, they would have called him crazy, until they saw his work and the impact that work is having. Gallery shows, museums, speaking gigs, documentary films, and moving the world to action. That's why you must... read more ›
523 reads