They say that when you leave your old life behind and walk the path you're meant to be on, be prepared to leave some friends behind, and be prepared to make new ones. This has definitely been the case on my own personal path. When I finally ditched the things in my life that everyone else wanted me to do and began a fulltime charge of my life's dream of being an artist, it put... read more ›
1.2K reads
Some of you who follow the blog and chasejarvisLIVE probably remember Ian Ruhter from last year's season finale of the show. I wanted to let y'all know that Ian's Silver and Light Project will be in Vancouver, April 2nd to April 16th. For more info on the Vancouver event go HERE. For some background on Ian and why you should be paying attention to his work: Ruhter and his crew shared his unique process of... read more ›
984 reads
Death Do Us Part from Ian Ruhter : Alchemist on Vimeo. In six short years, my friend Ian Ruhter lost some of the closest people in his life. This video is about finding the strength to move on from the past. As Ian explains to us “I got to a point where I had to let go of the past in order to move forward into the future. I reached the point where I had... read more ›
456 reads