UPDATE!! If you’re reading this now – the LIVE broadcast is TODAY. Check out the post below and be sure to tune into www.chasejarvis.com/live today — 10am SEA time (1pm NYC & 18:00 London) — and enjoy the show. See you on air in a few… Photo gear, gadgets, computers, apps, software - it'll be featured....cause've caught ourselves another big kahuna guest for chasejarvisLIVE. My guest THIS Wednesday on #cjLIVE is the web's most influential... read more ›
327 reads
I normally don't post or link to my mainstream media coverage here on the blog--not necessarily because of the perceived horn tooting, but primarily because a lot of those articles are just sort of vapid, empty whitewashes with little depth and even less bite. That said, I was just featured in the December issue of Juxtapoz Magazine - one of my favorite art & culture mags, one that I actually buy when I see it... read more ›
1.9K reads
Many of you have been asking to see more of what the gallery looks like for my artist in residency at the Ace Hotel New York... So here's a quick tour & an explanation of each feature in the installation. Included is a peek at the main gallery wall of 350 images, plus a quick run down of current 10 favorites. Thanks to you this project just continues to accelerate and grow. Keep... read more ›
339 reads
Since we're not tracking image by image whose work is hanging daily at the gallery in the Ace NYC (it's on a near constant rotation of prints - hundreds per day), we'll continue to publish vids like this and still images for you all to check out. REMINDER: this gallery wall changes every day, sometimes 2x per day, with 100-200 new images going up in every update. Stay tuned for yours. Still humbled... read more ›
329 reads
I've watched this vid a half dozen times since it came out a while back. I never tire of it. If you missed it when it first dropped --OR, hell, even if you've seen it before--please saddle up here for 5 min and enjoy the unique power of photography. When I talk about "Social Art" (like here for example) this is, in part, what I'm getting at. A magnificent and stunning example here... read more ›
784 reads
In the past several days, I've received a ton of correspondence asking if I'd re-post my chasejarvisLIVE Keynote address from the PDN Photo Plus Expo in NYC last week. You asked for it, you got it. At about the 25-or-so minute mark, I wrap up my monologue and invite a handful of guests on stage, all of whom I consider my friends who are living my message. I think you'll be quite engaged.... read more ›
6.5K reads